Neopets is living in Mad Max times will carry me through the rest of the day, thanks!
Neopets is living in Mad Max times will carry me through the rest of the day, thanks!
Let's go metric....
Lots of blonde tangly hair worn in a giant bun, I have to take it down for security. For some reason it beeps more when it is wet....
I just got your user name. Cause I'm a blonde yeah yeah yeah...
They do margaritas with a splash of amaretto, which is quite good. I have not been to one in at least 25 years, but a friend likes them and I recreated one for her....
I always feel protective towards Rocco as he and my son are the exact same age, and they were both preemies. Dude is 14, FOURTEEN! So maybe give him a few more years before we start commenting on his looks. Remember 14? It was godawful.
Are we casting the Lifetime Movie? I’m in...
She has the expression down pat.
Pretty much.
I am not on Tindr so I am going by articles like this one:…
Not as a game, more as a chore, if the stuff I have read is the majority experience. I am not in Tindr or in dating pool myself...
No one is whining, I think most of us are laughing. I bet if you did a (valid) poll most of the women here are in relationships. So it is more of a nostalgic giggle....
Omg lol like literally....
You just gave me the tattoo I will get for my 50th....
If you read articles about men and women on Tindr, there is not necessarily a mutual swipe, but rather one swipe and then the choice to respond to said swipe. Of which women get like 100 to 1.....
That is the part where biology and anthropology don’t line up with your take from the media, however. Males compete over females. Period. It may sometimes seem anecdotally as if this were not the case, or in some specific geographic locales (NYC UES) not be the case, but generally speaking it holds true. Therefore…
If your stance is working for you, then, great! Have at it! You don’t need to change, however I would also not understand your need to respond to this article or its commenters since your way is working. Plus aren't you really busy with all the sex you are getting? OTOH if your way is not working, then you need to…
Market conditions apply, for women the hays come in absolute bucket loads....
Yes, the Louis CK joke that men’s worst fear is that she will laugh at me, while women worry ‘will he rape and kill me?’
The invisible (to you) hand of the market