I thought it was just me...
I thought it was just me...
Chiming in to say I remember reading The Wolf and The Dove...
Great, just great. I will finally get out of the greys just in time for Andy Dick to claw me into his demon dimension. Thanks, people.
It is hard to explain the creepiness of the situation, I mean it was in broad daylight and all, but the streets were not busy. It felt kind of Twilight Zone, with Andy Dick, is what I am saying. OMG how much do you think he Googles himself? He may even show up here because we are saying his name so much — like…
I hope by similar you mean ‘near-brushes’ and not being actually mauled, felt up, punched, or robbed...
I lived in Riverside and it was shortly after his antics in Temecula, I was in street behind the Mission Inn and realized that the man following me was Andy Dick. I shuddered and crossed the street quickly, looking behind me to see him looking somewhat puzzled and angry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Dick…
Real conversation that happened once between me and a friend:
I did that once.. but it was Andy Dick.
I think when anyone married to David Cross ends a sentence with, “It’s a fact,” you can then be assured that it is not in fact a fact.
Was that the one with Jeremy Renner? I recall it as being pretty good but short lived.
I use the term Hippie Aristocrats for boho/hobo chic: http://hippiearistocrats.tumblr.com/
As a professor I have been approached by entire classes and asked to get someone to tone it down. People (of all genders) will try and dominate a class if you let them. It is also annoying because 90% of the time 80% of the class is hiding from answering anything — so part of my job is about not letting them hide and…
I have to wonder about this, do they just return to work with residue in their pants like NBD? Health code violation, much?
I’m going with East Coast Granny — they look totes approps for LA...
I thought I recalled someone else doing this — good catch!
Same minus the drama of ten floors :)
I thought it was a joke...
[Trigger warning: rape, sexual images. Also, several images in this post are NSFW.]
+1 for Malört reference.
This may be a tangent, but I have had a couple of people lately be surprised to find out that I had a 14 year old and a partner. Like, really surprised. Is it my easy availability for after work drinks, I wonder?