
It always drives me crazy when supposedly native speakers get idioms so so wrong. It's like, these are phrases that have already been made up for you to say, you do not need to actually think about them! And I bet if asked, she would make up some trumpery like, "Well that is how my family always said it, hmmph!"

Unless you are older than 100, it is not a generational thing:

There are a fair number of commenters on here saying essentially, "I don’t know what drugged out behavior looks like but that does not look like drugged out behavior to me." In a sort of judgment inception, their attempt to stem the tide of judgment they are winning in the judgment Olympics. A sort of Concern Troll

So, let me get this straight, you want someone, online, to call themselves fat, in the interest of some kind of truth, when you cannot even see them?

I like that you wrote this, even though I think the best plan would have been not clicking on the link in the first place. I also think a lot of the commenters below have some excellent points to make about using this as a strange exercise in growth and empathy towards folks not of your faith, and how their religions

It can make it harder to conceive...

It was the sparkling...she is covered in rhinestones and delivering the schmaltz (well!)

She is like a young Liberace...

Okay, that one is stone, but you get the idea. Dildos are old, and you have your basic wood-bone-stone to work with.

Um, what does everyone think dildoes used to be made of?

Yuck to the pick up lines... :(

Is it Rostock? I taught there...

It always comes back to Oglaf...

Well, again, the idea is not that you get the one you want, but that you

Deeply excellent point.

Kids review their schools. Surprisingly positive. Check it out on Google maps...

Bonus for using word fortnight in a comment...

Also, when my son was 10 months old, Maria Shiver told me he was beautiful. So there :P

No I get it, and no diss taken, but I am saying that women tend to be culturally conditioned towards accepting compliments about their bodies, and the products of their bodies, without it necessarily having a sexual component. The reversal, where a child is asked to evaluate the attractiveness of their parent, well,