
I recommend a First Aid class — the first thing you do is POINT at someone , make eye contact, and tell them firmly, CAllL 911.

slow clap of awe

Thanks, hate-read is the perfect addition to my vocabulary!

They would have hours and hours of audio. In other words absolute gigatons of data, most worth a lot more than some answers to a randomly distributed survey.

Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Best way to put it is different sub-species. The level of intermingling is low, so there was not hybridization in the true sense. Much like grizzlies and polar bears CAN rarely produce offspring, yet remain distinct species. It is all just a way of keeping

No one else seems to have commented on this, or followed up on his 'love to find some' reply. Where are the tech loving Jezzies who need an internship?