
I agree with this, to a point. What happens to the kid once he's removed? Home schooling would be a really bad option seeing as the people meant to be teaching him right from wrong are obviously not present (or present in a negative way).

I think this was the first time I've never laughed out loud at a Jezebel comment. I love you.

An entire house to change wigs? Yes. I love it. I'm going with that.

I'm sure you've looked into different things so I don't mean to sound condescending, but have you looked into birth control? My birth control randomly made my periods stop about 2 years into it and I haven't had a period since (about 8 months now).

Oh my God. Crotch blotters. I love it!

I truly don't know. I have no idea what I was watching when I was 4, but I do remember being very intuitive and feeling like I understood a lot more than adults gave me credit for. I still see this in kids that age (granted, I only know 2 or 3 kids that age) and I think young kids are a lot smarter than they're given

That sounds so quirky and awesome!

I don't think moving schools would do that much damage to a 5 year old... I think being taken out of school completely would be damaging because this kid obviously needs to learn some serious social skills, but I don't think going to a different school would be damaging at all.

I agree with this so much.

Wait, why?

This is just one of the pics (more in the link). This is probably a guest or caretaker's bedroom.

I'm so interested in the fact that your kitchen is upstairs and your bathroom is downstairs.

The exterior is my dream. But everything in the interior is cringe worthy.

I don't even know what that thing is that he's wearing over his body. I just know I love it (and would judge my boyfriend if he ever tried to pull it off, haha)

Andre Leon Talley wears uggs!

And Red :(

Morello is a full-time hottie!

Would you prefer them to stand with their legs wide open and their hands on their hips?

And her nails! (With her skin tone and the shoes... So perfect!)

Yeah, I totes go around with my favourite catch-phrase Generic Attractive Black Woman, and all my other favourites - Generic Attractive Asian Woman; Generic Attractive Indian Woman, Generic Attractive Latino Woman... And so on.