
Say what you will about Miley Cyrus but DAMN, the girl can pick an engagement ring

Well, I didn't run into any of them when I was 12 so.... Rihanna butt-pose still wins.

Hahahaha! I commented somewhere else in this post that I can't help imaging the breeze on her nether regions. Except I was imagining the breeze blowing onto not into, so... Thanks for the mental image?

What are you going on about?

I don't know if it's pearl clutching so much as recognizing something that's tasteless. I don't think anyone is offended by her pictures, it's just like... WHYYYY.

There are a lot of women in the world much better looking than her, but I have yet to see a picture this vulgar from any of them.

I'm quite fine with this. If Facebook suddenly allowed nudity, I still wouldn't post my breasts all over the internet.

I think you got it, I also feel like a voyeur when I look at this. It's just too hard to not involuntarily imagine the breeze on her lady parts.

I kind of love Rihanna.

Sorry, double post.

Do lots of non-porn star, average people also get photos of themselves taken with their bare ass in the air, specifically for use in public media?

Am I a prude?

I agree, but if I had a face and body like that and someone was willing to pay me millions to basically, well, be me, then you can bet I'd do it without a second thought.

The pictures part pisses me off the most.

Just reading this makes my blood boil.

This is so true.

My mum is an oldest sibling (of two), my dad is an only child... And I'm an only child.

When I was a kid, I used to beg my parents for a sibling (because it's just like getting a dog, amiright?), but in retrospect, I'm really glad I'm an only child.

I would assume that a lot of it is based on income, and the allowance the kids get. If they're getting lots of money in the first place, its easy to just say they bought it.

One of the posters on this article commented that inventory figures are unreliable because of human error. I know when I had to do stock take, at a really small store, the numbers would sometimes be way off what they were meant to be (either a lot more or a lot less)