
Interesting catch indeed.
What conclusions can we draw about his speech pattern in 2012 vs his conversation with Cohle in 1995? He seemed much more like a normal person in '95, more conversational… definitely not like a simpleton or patronizing like his 2012 self. I suppose he would know the detectives working the

Good points about tying in the symbols and mythos of Lovecraft.

Looking back at ep3 when he had his "beard," it looked to me like he had a scraggly wispy beard in the intact areas around the scars and gave the illusion that the beard was more widespread. He also appeared to have more dirt on his face too which could also give the appearance of some stubble. Admittedly the findings

All great observations/points.
In regards to the end game, I believe the previous 7 episodes have established that we won't get a "and the Bayou lives happily ever after." I think (and hope) that Hart and Cohle instigate the demise of the kid diddlin' murderers in the cult. However I think we'll also be left knowing

Did the lawnmower guy aka green-eared spaghetti monster say he lived in St. Martins or St. Matthews?

they sure have raped/maimed/killed a ton women and children, and for all their troubles they get pounded by hurricanes. this monarch in yellow may not be the best religion for the bayou?

The "why" is that they are a bunch of sick evil fucks. Whatever B.S. cover story/mythos the evil ones concoct to rationalize their atrocities will always ring hollow and never justify their actions to any sane person.
However I would like a little more backstory on the voodoo/santeria parts of the cult…

I don't think that ship has completely sailed. Based off the story our soliciting friend in 2010 New Orleans had, drugged rapings without killing were horrifyingly common place. Poor Marie had to be sacrificed because she was talking about it, methinks. Very possible there are fractured and scarred children strewn all

"Dunwich" you say…
Anyone ever listen to Brian Eno's "Dunwich Beach, autumn, 1960" off his Ambient 4 album? Parts of that song recur throughout the season during sooper creepy moments. I think my head is going to explode

Since you are a staunch Saving Private Ryan h8er perhaps you are the least biased and most capable person to answer this; have the intense "shaky cam" battle scenes of Saving Private Ryan not directly influenced every war and action movie since its release? I have always been under this impression, and I believe the

I haven't even seen Shakespeare in Love but I hate it more than any of the other films mentioned because it screwed over Saving Private Ryan. Does anyone ever talk about Shakespeare in Love outside of conversations about the most undeserving Oscar winners? No. And I suppose it's only a minor footnote in history that

Shakespeare in Love is the worst specifically because it beat out Saving Private Ryan. Such injustice.


I've been thinking and hoping the same thing too. However it just occurred to me that they weren't much of a "team" pre-2002; Cohle was the real rockstar detective. So what use does Cohle have for Marty in 2012?

LeDoux's buddy tripped a claymore mine, as evident by Cohle hitting the deck as the mine's bb's whiz past and put holes in the car behind him. Claymores are armed w/ C4 which doesn't blow up when shot, needs an electrical charge to detonate.

i saw the scar of a spiral just above the pentagram on his back. it was subtle. why would he have that removed?

My guess it that Rust goes undercover and joins this crazy cult for 8 yrs to hunt down the Yellow King. Why he chooses to come back in 2010 is beyond me although by 2010 I think he would have a pretty good idea who the Yellow King is. Perhaps the Yellow King (i.e. Tuttles) was untouchable and apathy sets in? Or