
Ya’ll ever wonder if we’re stuck inside a video game? Like that would explain a lot of stuff right. Because the longer a computer runs a single program without dumping its RAM, the less RAM it’s got to continue running that process. So that means with each generation, we’re using more and more RAM of the central


Its the Retaliator bomber

That would be the Aegis Dynamics Retaliator.

What ship is this in Star Citizen? I want.

Inb4 people going on and on about how Star Citizen will never be finished.

Also, that’s some gorgeous art. Truly. I’ve always liked the sleek sci-fi aesthetic.

Pretty sure it’s a callback to this, and that makes me incredibly happy. I laughed my ass off the entire time watching this when I played through the episode last night.

I’m sorry, two fucking years is not a long time for game development. This is being built from scratch, so they will have to spend a lot of time getting things implemented, let alone optimizing them. Just go back to the videos of any E3 were the game is launched two or three years later: the end result is widely

OooOooOhhh clever, seems Konami hid itself in the game as a Cameo.

For those who don’t know, Poongko is famous in the FGC for taking off his shirt when he gets angry or wants to pump himself up after a hard loss. This was meant to be an homage to his EVO appearance from 2011 when he ripped off his belt before beating Daigo Umehara, and then he took off the shirt too as a bonus

Now playing

For an introduction to what bogans are like:

the marginal difference isn't worth the steep performance requirements.

something just made me think of Spiderwoman

You know, while this is very impressive looking, I kind of hope that games never look like this. It looks too much like a movie. Jokes of games being too movie like in some cases aside, I like that games look like games. I don't think I ever want to play a game that looks like I'm controlling an absolute real person

Eventually PS4 will have all the games. It is just a matter of time.

I'm getting a Tobey Maguire vibe in the first pic.

I have a beard. I would normally like to see that beard reflected in my character.

Do want. I'd be all "Pew pew pew! Take that moon wizard!"