Tony's Texas Hots

It's entirely possible that he and Meredith were friends before his wife's death and she helped him through that trauma. They may have worked through their own grief together and found it brought them very close. This is all speculation, of course, but it's certainly a possibility.
If I died, I would hope that my wife

After making the rounds of just about every type out there, I finally realized in my late-20s what my type was: tall. I likes 'em tall. So when I met my wife (5'10"), I knew I was on to something.

"I think a lot of guys who were probably still in the closet could go to the supermarket and say, ‘It’s for my girlfriend."
Wouldn't the safer thing be to just subscribe under a female pseudonym? That removes all need to lie about who it's for (to someone's face, at least) and sends it right to your doorstep. That's

If you include "wealthy white women who masturbate in a candle-lit tub while drinking shitty red wine and listening to Kenny G," it's probably pretty damn big.

That's the frightening thing. Right-wing crazies are more than happy to vote against their (and America's) best interests just to spite the other side (you know: queers, mooslems, nig—sorry, "Afro-Americans," chicks, Mex'cans, etc.). It's how the GOP seems to be legislating these days. Not "what's best for our

Gee, that one asshole sure put those other assholes in their places.

"I've never wanted a show to fail more in my life."
Clearly you haven't watched Fox News lately.

I'm a fan of DJ Turtle, but I do feel he's stuck in a bit of a chopped n' screwed rut.

So everyone has to get married in the future?

I never understood the love for Barb. She was an archetypal stick-in-the-mud who was obvious fodder for the Demigorgon. What was the attraction to her?

It's too bad their Saint Cecilia EP didn't get more attention. The lead single was solid, classic Foo Fighters. Better than many singles they've put out recently.

That sounds earnest. On the AV Club? Oh, hell no. EVERYBODY—GET HER!!!

Some guys get trapped and then someone dies.
Yes, Saw is a shit-for-brains remake.

You don't?

Especially if you can ejaculate juuuuuuust before you expire. Really hammers home the horror of the moment.

Has anyone ever told you that, on mobile, your avatar looks kinda like Meredith from The Office?

Their adaptations of the works of Sophocles are going to be outstanding.

The richer you are, the whiter you become.*

Others will say it's because of his wealth and fame that he was accused in the first place.

I much prefer the British spelling of hemorrhaging. I think it's "heammorrreagghinggaahh."