Tony's Texas Hots

The X1 is the best budger player you can get. The X5 is fucking incredible.

Well, obviously. Because of penises.

This is… very good. A nice continuation of their album. I'm excited for their new stuff in 2017.


Is The Tick from America?

"…it turns out that she likes the Dallas Cowboys so much…"

Shit job, internet!

"Dammit, who let Party Cannon in the back door again?"

You couldn't have put it better. He almost certainly did it, so he is almost certainly morally guilty; however, the prosecution put together such an awful case and the police so clearly gussied up the evidence that he is not, strictly speaking, legally guilty (or at least shouldn't be). Now, if irrefutable evidence

Avery probably did it, but not the way it was "proven" in court. He definitely got railroaded. The conviction should have been based on actual evidence, not speculation and reputation.

His conviction was such unrepentantly sickening bullshit. The judge made such a show of telling Dassey how dangerous he is and what a horrible human being he is. The case was absolutely clear to anyone with 1/10 of a brain that Dassey was innocent. The judge should have his title stripped and he should have to serve

Fucking CD singles, man. To me, that's one of the biggest rip-offs the recording industry ever lumped on us. iTunes (and individual song purchase ability in general) murdered CD singles and pissed on their corpse. I, for one, could not be happier that it happened.

That face might have been the pinnacle of his acting career.

Wasn't it somebody else he was sodomizing in the dressing room? I don't think it was Lauren Graham's character.
But it's been a few years since I've seen the movie, so I could be wrong.

I am a firm believer that Trump does not actually want to be president. He never thought it would get this far; his ego won't let him drop out now. He's bombing on purpose so he doesn't stand a chance in November. And, as someone smarter than I am said on Twitter, in 5 years he will look a reporter in the eye and say,


I chortled.

The book was so fucking good. I cannot wait for this series.

They likely had to cast Keanu for star power and ticket sales. Someone else probably would have done a better job, but people were still willing to see anything Keanu was in at that point in time.

Beat me to it by 16 minutes, ya bastard.