Tony's Texas Hots

Oh, man. Jade Empire was such a good game!

Trombones are better than tailgates anyway.

I've had her out with Dorian once or twice and I really like their repartee. Question for you: did you do one area at a time, taking care of most (if not all) quests, or did you jump around a bit? I've done most of the Hinterlands, but now I'm just kind of skipping around, do bits of this and that until I get a chance

I haven't really settled on a specific three. I really like Sera, but the other 2 are up in the short. Playing as a female Qunari mage.
It's important to be able to change your armor's color. If you don't look good while slaying dragons and demons, what is the point?

Just buy the episodes individually. I'm sure they'll put them on iTunes or Amazon.

Over the past week I've been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition (yes, I know it's 2016). I loved the original Fable and Kingdoms of Amalur, so I'm really enjoying the RPG, magic, and crafting elements. I'm also liking the team aspect more than I thought I would. It's a good game!

Adequate Job, Internet!

You guys, this right here is why we have the internet.

Subtlety is a good way to put it. In the books, Cersei is slowly losing her mind to paranoia and fear for her children's safety, not to mention her own desires for power. Show Cersei has descended into evil madness, whereas book Cersei is still just on the brink of madness.

"I thought we were just reading the AV Club comments sec—"

Fuckin' Xbratl, man.

Oh, man. The after show is SO BAD! It's all on the hosts, too. My wife and I have tried to watch it a couple of times and every time we just shut it off after a few minutes.

Fair enough. I guess I should have said, "Most people don't just pass through." Given Shae's military history, however, I keep expecting her to come back. OB does give us red herrings now and again. Tatiana Maslany's acting isn't the only thing keeping us watching!

I know the show has a limited budget (maybe pony up a little more, Subaru—since you're in every damn commercial break), but the decapitated swan looked a little papier-mâché-y.

So is Adele Chekhov's gun? I know she was at least partly a way to give Felix something to do (and a nice bit of comic relief, even if her accent was terrible). But there's gotta be more to her story, right? It's Orphan Black. No one just passes through.

I haven't. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies, so I usually skip them.
Salad Fingers is weird but I'm not sure it counts as creepypasta. But who knows anything these days?

He sounds like he pays someone to sniff his farts and tell them they're glorious.

I still like the "dead girlfriend messaging me on Facebook" story. It's silly but if you just buy in for a minute it'll give you chills.

Yeah, "roommates." That's what we'll tell your hyper-conservative aunt.

More like "Hairy Twatter," amirite? Guys?
Oh yeah, right. Like anyone's actually thought of that joke before.