Tony's Texas Hots

When they run out of shit to do in season 8, they'll give Scott a goatee and say, "GASP! He was evil all along!!!"

One of my favorite film lines is from Serenity: "You know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed."

Things that suck worse: people who get on the internet to bitch about people who get on the internet to bitch about a show they don't like based on a book they think sucked. For the record: I tremendously enjoy GoT as a show, but do not think it's infallible or flawless; I only think A Feast For Crows sucked in

And you can kiss my ass, you fucking shitbag.

It struck me as a little silly that every Ironborn shouted "Yara! Yara!" until Euron came by… then it was "Euron! Euron!" I know time was limited, but those sea dudes are an easily-swayed lot.

Hey, man. You tried. And that's all Jesus asks of you.

Meh, just A Feast For Crows. Man, that book sucked.

I never cared about Hodor. Not one bit. He's a big, dumb vehicle that serves to cart Bran around in the world until he outlives his usefulness, which happened in this episode. I don't really see this as a tragic death so much as "he finally did something beyond being a horse," so I don't think he'll be missed. The

"Plus, I usually don't read captions."
Not to be a dick (even though I'm gonna sound like one), but then it's kinda on you, isn't it?

"How’re things, by the way? Am I still sleeping too much?"

Me too! I once had a Trashcan Sinatras song on my MySpace (shudder) page. Can't for the life of me remember what song, but I recall loving it in about 2004.


I had to look up the word"ructions." Well done, you knight of wordplay!

Quite possibly. Although this is also a BBC production set in Canada, so I don't expect an accurate Texas accent anyway. It would have been nice if they had tried a little harder for accuracy, but we're also talking about a sci-fi show about clones, so whatever.

Yeah—why even do the Donnie/Felix thing if they're just going to send a clone in there the next week? That's a strange decision by the writers.

They did put her hair up. It's almost as good a disguise as Clark Kent's glasses.

That was on par with the whole "let's send a clone into a Dyad-affiliated facility! What could go wrong?" plot hole. Uncharacteristically stupid for the clones, but I guess you had to get Cosima in there somehow.
The second half hour was much better than the first, in my (not) humble opinion.
I still don't trust Adele.

I hear that once you get cancerAIDS, you can't go into ANY bathrooms in North Carolina.

They were too busy killing Romans who were sucking on the teats of wolves.

Wow. Most melodically accessible? Did the press get a different version than we did? I mean, I'm really enjoying it, but melodically accessible—when compared to most of their other work—it is not.