Tony's Texas Hots

Saw them at Houston Free Press Summer Fest three years ago. I was pretty stoned (out of the ordinary for me) but it was a fucking awesome show.

For me, Daydreaming is easily the weakest song on the album. It goes absolutely nowhere, ends with weird noises (even for Radiohead), and the terribly accompanying video didn't help. Plus, following the exciting and catchy Burn the Witch makes it stand out as a misstep that much more.
That being said, Decks Dark, Ful

Counter point: Donald Trump is the GOP's current champion.

Well, me n' my gun have our own opinions. Mainly this: Jesus, guns, no queers, football, sometimes Mexicans (I like their food), date rape, and Trump.

"On her first album as Anohni, the transgender singer formerly known as Antony Hegarty, leader of Antony And The Johnsons, swaps string-laden drama pop for glitchy electro tunes produced by Oneohtrix Point Never and Hudson Mohawke.'

Shut uuuuuup. They'll hear you!

A live-action TailSpin could be the beginning of another Marvel Cinematic Universe-style blitz for Disney. Ducktales, Goofy Movie, a really profane and noir-ish Darkwing Duck on Netflix, etc.

Hey, man. Ain't nothin' wrong with Counting Crows. I mean, Adam Duritz isn't exactly a "good" singer, and they may have been products of the folk-rock trend of the 90s, but they had some pretty damn good songs. They were overexposed (what popular band wasn't at that time?), but a lot of their non-single cuts were

Earnest response: I really like this show. I was terribly confused when it first started, but once you relax and let the weirdness flow, it's quite entertaining.
AV Club response: [something funny about firsts, cancerAIDS, and Tolkien]
Trump response: Look at that Jewy Jewerson! What a loser!

I discovered Man Seeking Woman midway through this season and that show is so weirdly terrific.


How dare you besmirch the fine name of Crank Denzy? That's a stand-up guy! Synyster Gates, on the other hand, is an asshole.

I really struggled to even understand what he was saying. Plus the dubbing made it sound like a voiceover that wasn't in sync with everyone else's voices. The accent was terrific but the muffling and dubbing made it bad.

"People" have already figured that out. Hollywood, on the other hand, is a little slower on the uptake.

That makes it even BETTER!

Lost in Translation. There are, like, two loud scenes. Otherwise it's serene, entertaining, funny, and begins with Scarlett Johansson's (body double's) ass.

"one of the world’s greatest musicians"

One of my buddies eats his hot dogs in a strange way: he puts American cheese on a bun, plops the hot dog on top of that, and that's it. I always found this very weird.

Seconded. It's really, really funny.

Yeah, but when has proofreading ever done anything for journalism? I mean, we should all just post whatever we want whenever we want, with no attention to syntax.
Oh, wait. That's Facebook and it's fucking terrible. As is the proofreading in this review.