Tony's Texas Hots

Do you think Showalter got fat for the role, then gets skinnier through the movie? Maybe? I hope? Otherwise… oof. Continuity isn't exactly going to be good in this one.


Saw them open for Fun. when they were touring for Aim & Ignite and they blew the roof off the place. Then Antonoff came out and played his ass off for Fun. It was a good show.

Fair enough. But Sam did tell Gilly about the Citadel and Oldtown, especially the library. I wouldn't be surprised to see Aemon die and Jon send Sam and Gilly off so Sam will train to become the Watch's Maester and, more importantly, stay safe from what's coming from beyond the Wall.

Book Spoilers?

"and ending with him punishing one of his associates for interrupting his enchanted evening"

Exploited un-funnily.

"My cat is sad because he has spent many hours reading about the treatment of alleged witches in 17th century Britain."
"My cat is smug because Game Of Thrones fans agree that, out of all the Lannisters, he is easily the most attractive." (Smug Cat)
"Holy tits!" (Sweary Cat)

Agreed. It's a one-note joke that gets boring and unfunny quickly. Seeing people refer to the author as a genius and the book getting an A grade by an actual reviewer makes me think it's got to be an in-joke.

So… one sort of okay song and the rest sucks out loud? Gotcha.

I'm still waiting for somebody—anybody—to agree with me on this.

Whoops. You're right. Sorry; it's been awhile. I think I just enjoyed her not being such a major (and majorly annoying) character and killed her off in my head.

In the Sookie Stackhouse books, she gets killed in book 1. Season 1, you missed your golden opportunity!

Oh, God. Rutina Wesley's going to try a Boston accent, isn't she?

FINALLY someone knocks Clap Your Hands Say Yeah off their throne.

Wow! I never even noticed bizarro Abbi in the background of the train. Ilana is so bigger than life (even in bizarro form) that sometimes she just takes over.

Ted Leo - "Me and Mia"


To be fair, to many James Corden is, "oh yeah, that guy from the department store on Doctor Who."

TV On The Radio gets a C while Taylor Swift gets a B+? This album must be fucking terrible.