Tony's Texas Hots

Who am I to stand in the way of progress?

Dear Mr. Brooks,

Been watching Cartoon Network's "Over The Garden Wall."

That's one hell of a glowing review to just end up with a B rating.

Bjork. Sorry. I just can't do it. I can't stand her music or her voice. I know I should. I know how much influence she's had. I know what she's done for independent music.


Thank you. I tried, at least.

Populated almost entirely by smelly pirate hookers.

Let me try:
No, you'll touch it. And you'll like it.
Ahh, sorry. I never was much good at a British accent.

Ah. I read that as though he'd just seen the trailer, not the entire movie.


I can see the potential in the show, but Moynihan's shouty delivery is absolutely abysmal, there's an obviously different person rapping his songs, and the jokes just weren't that funny in the first episode. I'll give it another couple of episodes to see if it actually does get better, but I'm highly skeptical. It's

These people must have absurdly high car insurance premiums. Seems like every week someone fucks up a car.

I watched this last night, and I have to say, it was… pretty good? After a couple of episodes I had dismissed it, basically thinking that Kat Dennings was solid but wasn't given much to work with. The jokes were pretty good tonight and the deliveries were even better.

I appreciate your well-reasoned and sincere response to my admittedly shrill comment. I see what you're saying, but I simply don't see Whitney catching on. Aside from the fact that it just isn't very funny, it seems like just copying the CBS blueprint isn't a good idea. They have had quite a bit of success with the

Obligatory comment:

I felt the same way about the homecoming dance. Initially worried about how they'd handle it and pleasantly surprised and satisfied with the eventual scenes. I think the scene with Reagan and Chris on the massage tables, shot from below, made for some nice visual comedy, especially as their panic of Amy's well-being

I believe that was Travie McCoy of the band Gym Class Heroes (I had to look it up). Apparently he's 30. And dresses like that. At some point in time someone needs to pull him aside and whisper, "You're a grownup now. It's time to stop dressing like a clown."

I really didn't like the list of things Ted "had sex with that were not willing female partners." It was a really funny idea, but could have been pulled off with funnier items that were a little more realistic (a warm glass of water and a VCR? Come on.). Warm apple pie might've been a nice callback to Alyson