
Hey Hey HEY! The first season of The Shield wasn't that bad……

I did the exact same last year…..but heard the show was rebooting for this new season, in a way. Not having seen the majority of season one, I watched the season 2 premier, and it wasn't too shabby. I will definitely give it a chance, at least for the next 4 eps. (BTW, the show this year is going to give us two

As my daughter used to say when she was little: "Cats rule and dogs drool."

Really? Well, sorry….chalk it up to old age, me getting things wrong! Thanks for setting it straight. Still, I believe Goodfellas is better than D,W,W……just saying…

It was a travesty that Silence 'O the Lambs won Best Picture that year and not Goodfellas….

Why anyone would subject themselves to this kind of absolute horror is beyond me. Entertainment? Eli Roth is a sick fuck.

Hate to say it, but I wasn't impressed…..

Maybe she is married to a rich fuck who pays her bills….?

I just love that Lennon Parham.

He was the best thing about Dumb and Dumber To!

An episode I can watch over and over and over is "Rubberman"….

Besides a great actress, she is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood….

This is very sad. What a great man. We need more like him. R.I.P., Lenny.

Dude who plays Viktor V. D. in that early classroom scene looks eerily like Benedict Cumberbatch……or is it me?

Would work better as a limited TV series…….

If it has Megan Good in it, then: I will BE THERE, NBC! (And, btw does anybody even remember that catchphrase???)

I had the very weird experience of seeing this film in the summer of 1975 in Miami Fla, at a HUGE movie theatre, at age 17. I went alone, and besides myself, there were maybe 3 old ladies in the place. I don't think they knew what they were watching…..

Very Nice!

Be There!

Speaking as a huge Steve Coogan fan, he should never have been cast in the series when P.S. Hoffman died. The showrunners made a huge mistake there.