"The goggles—-they do nothing!"
"The goggles—-they do nothing!"
But better than draggin' out those ancient-er VHS tapes……
(If it hasn't been uttered already) Whimmy Wham Wham Wozzle!!!
Now now, calm down. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. I have always thought Nirvana was over-rated, that's all. You and many others disagree. Sorry if I got you all riled up.
If true, then: You sad, sad person…..(not meant as a "dis" as the youngsters say…but merely that you have really missed out, if that crap band Nirvana was your only exposure to Bowie's, with Mick Ronson, great tune).
Tom Cruise as Lestat.
Victoria Jackson was SO beautiful and hot back then. Shame she turned out to be a nutjob….
If Lennon was alive, and watching this video, I think his response would be exactly like mine: Who the fuck ARE most of these wankers?
I love this true story, and it shows how Lennon made Paul's stuff way better/edgier: Paul was writing the lyric "She was just seventeen/she was no beauty queen" when John suggested "She was just seventeen/you know what I mean".
Now tell me: isn't that fucking great?
LENNON: Strawberry Fields Forever
McCARTNEY: Yesterday
AND can see out of BOTH eyes…..
Worst. Beard. Ever.
I stand corrected! And you are right: no way would I take issue with Yao Ming and some elephants! Thanks! Love your writings, btw.
Why do you ignore the new Supernatural that is airing tonight…..yet another showing of Ratatouille gets a mention??
played by Eddie Izzard…,
This show would be SO much better if AMC budgeted for 20+ episodes a season, like Network TV….16 eps are not enough.
God Bless Paul Blart…
Just try and watch the first 15 minutes or so, or to the point where the homeless dude drinks his own pee at the urinal….if you can even get there….. Also, if this movie is indicative of the tastes of 12-year-olds i.e. they think DoucheBag Dawson's videos are really great…then….all I can say is…..the End Times truly…
I was surprised by the above rating; I myself thought it was a B minus…..