
Not a popular opinion, to be sure but, here goes: as someone who read the books when they first came out, and having the benefit, or detriment, if you will, of having to wait LONG-ASS periods of time between volumes 1-5….the series starting sucking BIG-TIME after the 3rd book. Martin is now a hack, unnecessarily


She is quite beautiful and striking.

She was so exquisite. R.I.P., Jan. And thank you for all you have left us with.

Since when did Doctor Who always ever make sense?!?!? Ya just gotta go with it, and enjoy the escapism of the entire concept. Don't waste your time and energy with semantics, Dig?

2001 was, and still is, the "Ultimate Trip". If you weren't in awe, sitting in a huge cinema back when it was released, or rerun in theatres in the '70's, then you can never get how it is one of the greatest films, and film experiences, ever.

Stephen McHattie, methinks

Thought the Nora Jones Duets was a CD Dumb Starbucks was selling….

Don't think second-person is a stunt…I actually prefer it to first-person….yet I realize my dislike for first-person narratives puts me in the minority….

Who's Louis? Thought Peter was married to Lois……

She is Nucking Futs!!!