Anthony Purcell

I am very much inclined to agree. It is not the case that Sherlock is devoid of merit, the end-point of the stories is often just so bizarre and illogical as to rob the entire story of meaningful content.

I was undecided about the logical force of your argument but then you used two exclamation points and I knew it must be right.

But no planes with dead people and therefore not as terminally stupid as Sherlock

Unless 'sock-puppet' has become a synonym for 'incoherent racist with delusions of intellectual adequacy', no, this author is not a sock-puppet

To be fair Sherlock did study martial arts. Aside from the much-vaunted 'baritsu' he was also adept at single-stick and boxing. He did box in public displays - Ian Miller gives the exact quote below when Holmes informs a professional boxer he had fought a few rounds against him some years ago. The complete separation

I am more than a little mystified by the vehemence of the Sherlock hype but to each their own I guess. Elementary is much more satisfying for me, so it's the show I watch.

I'm not American I don't like Sherlock. I've read the original books many times and that is a large part of why I don't like it. You can watch what you want to watch, but there is absolutely no point to coming onto a public forum for the exchange of opinions and ideas and saying 'shut up, you stating your opinion is

I've stopped watching Sherlock. I too enjoy the movies, though I like Elementary better, but they're vastly different viewing experiences. I like to think of the movies as the dirty reality that Watson thoroughly sanitised before committing to paper. I don't think Elementary disrespects the canon but modernising does

I'm inclined to agree. If you think that is brilliance then you've set your intellectual aspirations pretty low.

The person who waded into this conversation by calling me retarded and explicitly stating they were going to wind me up doesn't get to use the term 'friendly' You're an idiot, you're a dick

You could write ftss's article - this is greaty facilitated by you being ftss.

The term "truer to the books" is entirely subjective. I disagree strongly. I think BBC Sherlock badly undermines the original material in a number of important ways. So your assertion that this an objective comparison is patently false.

At this point it seems like it would be a genuine mercy


Yes, it is incorrect. Sherlock uses superficial elements taken from the books, so does Elementary, in greater volume and with greater fidelity and imagination (which just goes to show how badly Sherlock bungles the material).

For the benefit of those coming late to this exchange. The usernames ftss, funideatime, yemi, and jwjmsh seem to be variant names of the same individual.


So, brief experimentation demonstrates that there is no statement that is so self-evident that you can't respond with "prove it" like a four year old asking "why". This form of disputation is very popular amongst creationists, climate denialists and other obstructionists who revel in the attention it brings them with

I see. So, me explaining why I don't like Sherlock is NOT freedom of expression, it's some form of intolerance. That's interesting and ftss's expletive-laden rants about not giving a **** about what other people think is just him expressing a valid point. Interesting position.

That doesn't surprise me, there seem to be a lot of gaps in your cognition.