Anthony Pirtle

Isn't Lenny's most impressive power how he can make anyone point to Ketchikan, Alaska?

No! You failed the test, little girl. Skynet will eat you alive.

Yep, this is A.V. Club, alright.

D & W has to be one of my very favorite songs to sing in the train when i want the bench to myself.

I really enjoyed this finale, and I liked the season as a whole. Yes, it certainly got lost for a while in the middle. However, I disagree with the reviewer's notion that Stamper's arc was disappointing because he didn't redeem himself. I think a failed redemption arc can be just as interesting as a successful one,

Take the letter "e" out of the second word in the title of Rob's new show and it sounds a lot funnier.

So a supernatural police procedural and a sci-fi police procedural. Joy of joys.

I'm a masochist and a Morrissey fan, but I'm not a big enough of either to buy one of these tickets.