
I see a lot of complaints in the replies from people who have only given as much thought to this issue as it took them to take their morning dump.  The author is right in that we should be working toward the goal of no private vehicles in our downtowns/city centers.  The problem is, there needs to be as much money

Don’t forget the license plate covers with the dealer’s name on them and the stick on the trunk  lid.  It costs a lot for you to advertise for them.

Yes, a long term solution will need to be a shift in how we grow our cities so that driving is not a necessity for day to day life.

Someone will probably pay that much for it as it has a lot going for it, especially since it’s pre-emissions/gas crisis and enjoys all the engine has to offer. For my money though, I’d take the Castilian that was made a few years later as it is a much more elegant rendition of a Cadillac wagon. Cadillac and ASC have

I laughed my ass off when a buddy of mine bought a Furious Fuchsia SRT8, and I would take that a million times over this one. 

Seems to me that the vents in the dashboard are more robust than they used to be.  I feel like every car we owned when I was a kid had vents that fell apart and could no longer be adjusted properly.

I was just about to comment that. Came for the Lagonda content and left disappointed. 10/10 would buy if enough money and access to a mechanic who could work on it were available.

I had to replace the blower motor on my LS430 due to that exact problem.  Powdery snow entered the hvac system, melted and then proceeded to freeze/thaw until the motor burnt out.  Luckily for me it was an easy DIY fix with a salvaged motor.

A family on my street had a 968 cabriolet when I was growing up, so I’ll always have a soft spot for them over the 944, but I think at this price I’d consider it after a thorough going-over.

With the 3800 in them, this car probably would be something easy for someone looking to start getting into tinkering since they are a somewhat neat car that should have easy and affordable parts availability.

Ok, but can we talk about how awesome the wheels in the second to last pic look?

The answer is Enzo.

I love conversion vans. Family friends have had them consistently since the 80s. Their current van has (in addition to the front driver and passenger seats) 2 rows of captains seats and a rear bench. It’s huge and the perfect vehicle for them as the whole family drives to Colorado from Minnesota several times a year

Can you imagine how good it would look with a buttery palomino or biscuit tan interior?

This is a pretty car. And I owned a 2001 Deville and loved the northstar motor until the head gasket blew. Paid $3500 in 2012 and it had 60k on it. So, this should maybe, MAYBE, be like $6000 and the head gasket/head bolts should have already been replaced. Otherwise $3k all day.

I like the way the repeaters are treated on the 2020 G90, but I’m not that in love with them here.  And I’m saying that as a big fan of what Genesis is doing with its big sedan.

One of my favorites was Demolition Man.  Chock full of concept cars including a Cadillac Solitaire.

And look at everyone now complaining that the new Supra is based on another luxury vehicle.

So apparently the parents own several businesses in the area, so I’m wondering if they are O’Reilly’s stores, because the driver of the vehicle and his friend look like they might be wearing O’Reilly’s shirts.

Heated arm rests do exist, but I’m unaware of heated shifters.