
And if it turns out that we missed the mark on a regulation, we can always add it back in.” Missed the mark means a disaster that likely kills a bunch of people.

From what I understand based on other articles I’ve read, it was their lawyers that went to the apartment, and I imagine the goal is to liquidate.

I was a freshman in college and my folks were gonna get me a cheap car. I remember telling my sister, “I don’t care what I get as long as it isn’t a Tempo.

Same.  Just good info with some interesting interviews.  

My LS430 had a feature that raised the headrest as the seat was moved further back, but I found that I didn’t really want my head restraint that high. Maybe it knew better than I did.

My understanding is that it wasn’t a repo man, but a tow truck removing a vehicle blocking service doors.

The tv series Fallout has a main character driving a Kaiser Darrin at one point and I absolutely went down a deep dive when it first came on screen.

Any car without a sunglasses holder.

Omg, a plastic charge pipe for the turbo in my 135i was ridiculous. At least when it went I knew it was coming.

Are we not going to talk about the cop using his cruise control to clock speeders?  

I bet this joker is all about the border patrol stopping and impeding the travel of folks that he doesn’t like.   Because he appears white and speaks with an “american” accent, he thinks the rules and requirements don’t apply.  

Loved this in the few vehicles I’ve owned that had it.

Whew.  That Grand Prix is so good.

Guessing the window choice had to do with the chip shortage.

I had one and loved it. Super practical for my needs.

I like your optimism! I guess I’ll hold my breath bladder.

I was imagining my kid pushing my geriatric self in a wheelchair up to his grave with a small cup of piss in my hand to pour on it when I realized that bastard is gonna be dead in ten years and I’ll be able to tap dance on that SOB.

It’s definitely a small tank.  I’m filling up as frequently, but now I’m putting about $30 of regular vs $80 of premium.

The funny thing is that I went from driving 75-80 mph on the highway to driving the speed limit just to get my mpg average up.  I always chuckled at my coworker who I would blast by on the highway while he was going 65 in his prius. 

I got an LS430 at age 33. Began shopping G90s but my 80 mile per day commute wouldn’t let me pull the trigger on a 5l V8 so I ended up with an ES300h in Ultra Lux trim.