Do I think it’s a nice price based on the market for these things? Yes. Do I think the market for these is bonkers? Also yes.
Do I think it’s a nice price based on the market for these things? Yes. Do I think the market for these is bonkers? Also yes.
Really wanted to vote NP, but couldn’t get there. One with the 4.5l would be my choice, and maybe without the maroon interior. I’ve always loved the Mary Kay pink caddies, and an Allante would be a great cruiser in that color.
My friend is an artist, and she originally was selling pieces for around $500 or less. When she started pricing her work at $2,500 and up she started moving a lot more pieces.
Only thing that would make this a better deal is if they went through with a swap of the front fascia.
Overall I’m impressed, but what is the circle to the left of the gauge cluster?
Really the best part about buying winter tires is that you can justify summer tires in the warmer months.
My aunt and uncle bought a car for my grandma, an Impala, and while grateful for a free car she always talks about how much she misses her Buick.
Old enough that the IMS issue isn’t an issue and the top not working is fine as even when new you had to stop the top operation half way to do a little karate chop on the plastic rear window to make sure it didn’t fold improperly and crease. NP all the way.
I don’t know. I know a couple rich guys who still have a hard time paying over $100k for a car and they can easily afford it.
As a sheepdog owner I appreciate this content.
I don’t think it counts as running out of gas when the car literally coasted to a stop at a gas pump in the middle of no where, so I will submit the time I ran out of gas on the freeway, in a construction zone, with a big bag of the sticky icky, the proceeds from the sale of which would go toward putting fuel in the…
I don’t recall ever hearing a Chris Craft holding first for an entire city block.
Please don’t spoil our secret.
Can confirm.
As someone who lives along a major motorcycle touring route (Red Wing, MN) I feel your pain.
I didn’t want to vote CP as I’m one of the few people that actually like the Panamera, but I smell something fishy.
Probably redid the kitchen at some point and put the old cabinets in the garage rather than in the dumpster.
I would have recommended an Explorer Sport Trac.
Without the salvage issues I’d have voted NP at double the price, but alas...
Thanks, I hate it.