
This is very correct. There is evidence of the is in other industries as well. Take designer handbags vs. their knockoff counterparts. Designers stopped suing knockoffs. But why? Because the people who are buying a knock off Gucci Bag for $30 wouldn’t have been a customer of Gucci’s anyway.

I play on PS4 and I play at diamond level. I can easily say that the widow is not the problem, but rather the rest of the community. I made it a point to get better at Overwatch by playing the right way, which means me filling a role that the team needs by being good with a VARIETY of characters. To make the game

Yes, I saw the trailer and was excited to get it. The original was a lot of fun and had great new mechanics with the phone hacks. Also, I spent at least 30 hours getting sidetracked from the main story by playing hide and seek with other players. So, I’m ready for round 2.

I absolutely agree about the shooter aspect, as it is such a polished PvP game. However, I grew so tired of the PvE aspect that I became frustrated at the fact that my level affected my competitiveness in Trials. At one point I was max level and could easily go flawless, but it became a chore to play the PvE to level