Anthony J. Rand

I read an interview with David Simon a few years ago in which he argued that the problem with the police in Baltimore was they were focused on making arrests as opposed to solving cases. All that mattered was how many arrests you made, following up on cases, gathering evidence, and making convictions was less

I thought they were going to go back to the classic theme as well, was kinda bummed when they didn't. Even with tonight's dark outing, the new intro still seems out of place now that Jack is in his gi and topknot.

My assumption is that machines not registering Gloria is a literal interpretation of the fact that she's an old-fashioned cop. She doesn't like computers, computers don't like her. Hopefully by the end of the season she learns that they can be useful, buddy-cop style, since IRL computer networks have helped to solve

Beach City was founded by the Dewey family, so that would make sense.

Really glad to see Freeman get some spotlight. I always loved that Connie's parents were Ghost in the Shell alums. Though it is funny that in a show so heavily inspired by kid-friendly DBZ and Sailor Moon they went with the much more mature GitS actors. Then again, they're both fantastic actos.

That is possible, but it could also just be a subtle, cartoony change to suggest that it's an alternate universe, like "The state called Keystone." They've mentioned Aqua-Mexico a few times which really makes me curious.

I like the goofy, childish bits since this show's visual style reminds me so much of a children's book anyway (and I mean that as the highest compliment). I did a spit-take at "talking penis" and laughed way more than I should have.

Until the opening notes of the Fargo theme kicked in I was wondering if FX accidentally played The Americans.

Well, yeah, I think that was his point, that the show was looking at anti-heroes in other shows and responding with someone who is seemingly an anti-hero but really just a villain.

Yeah, that shocked me. I think this show has more of a beating heart than anything else on TV being written for adults. Who could watch Betsy's speech at the end of last season and say the show is empty?

Oooooh shit! You may be right, that would be quite a misdirect.

I've been wondering for several episodes now "Just who WAS Jason Blossom?" A creep who used women? A star crossed lover? A drug dealer? A sister-fucker? All of those things?

Wow, this was good. And what's amazing is it was good as a straight film noir. I'm kinda hoping the show doesn't turn into too much of a comedy after this, because I could go for this tone all season.

I was really sad Melanie didn't get to kiss Oliver at the end, especially after Oliver finally remembered who she was. If they kill him off, I'll be so angry, Melanie deserves a happy ending more than anyone.

Well, Legion was one hell of a show, I think better than any of us expected. Now that the first season is over I can say I am thoroughly impressed and can't wait for next season. And that final scene really encapsulates why this show is so fucking good: it's not afraid to be as weird as a comic book.


It was so disturbing to me seeing young Jack with blood on his eyes. Learning that Jack's childhood even before Aku wasn't all sunshine and rainbows adds a lot to his character, and I'm glad this warped "adult" version of the show is slowly utilizing all the elements of the original. The young Jack flashback

This was a freaking awesome episode. The climax felt more cinematic than anything in DC's movies.

I actually like Road to the North Pole, but I remember it came on the same night as For Whom The Sleigh Bell Tolls and American Dad definitely came out the winner.

I actually like Road to the North Pole, but I remember it came on the same night as For Whom The Sleigh Bell Tolls and American Dad definitely came out the winner.