Anthony J. Rand

True, but I only watch it in the background while I'm doing other things. I never devote my full attention to Family Guy.

Lenny's "I knew your father" seems to imply she is indeed the Shadow King (I think the biggest clue, though, was David's imaginary dog being named King, although that was also the name of the dead dog on Fargo). However, the fact that she uses up bodies and moves on to the next could mean she's based on Proteus.

The thing that keeps me watching Family Guy is that even in the worst episode there is at least one really funny, smart joke. The thing that keeps me from recommending Family Guy to anyone is that even in a really terrific, solid episode there's at least one joke that is lazy racist bullshit.

Seconded for School Hard. That episode is just fun, man.

You're absolutely right, but I do think people have a tendency to think "Good Villain = Good Guy." I think it's just how we're wired. If we love a villain because they're entertaining, we inherently start wanting to see them succeed, and eventually we forget that they're, you know, terrible people. I'm certainly

His relationship with Joyce is probably the best running gag in the series. If I remember correctly, he was still a Big Bad the first time Buffy caught them hanging out together.

I especially loved the sound of ping pong over the end credits.

I see her less as being destroyed by the gang and more just another example of the crapsack world the gang lives in. While in the early seasons the show was about five terrible people living in more or less the real world, as the show has become more cartoony it's become apparent that their entire universe is rotten.

I love Pondy, not a fan of Maureen. Somehow of all the gross shit in Sunny, the dead tooth is the only thing to actually gross me out. Maybe because it's just left to your imagination.


So, when did Cricket come to think of them as his friends? Seems kinda left-field, considering he was always pretty pissed at them constantly ruining his life.


I can solve this problem! I was quite confused by this as well, since I specifically remembered the Digimon digital pet toy (made by the same people who made Tamagotchi, the difference being that you could connect Digimon together and make them fight each other) coming out before Pokemon, but the Digimon anime coming

I've met a surprising number of beautiful women who were into Digimon. One woman. So, a surprising number of beautiful woman who was into Digimon.

I live in the South, and it's not *that* weird to leave guns lying around, in some homes. Weird enough that you notice it, but not weird enough that you say anything. Riverdale strikes me as midwestern, I don't know what the social mores are with guns there, although the Boy Scouts shooting rifles unsupervised was

The torture scene wasn't supposed to be a sign of strength, though, it was supposed to show Betty was going too far with her revenge (and, let's be honest, titillate the viewer). The actual female empowerment victory was that they exposed Chuck and got him kicked off the team.

I liked that Archie even when the other Pussycats tried to come to his aid, Archie was receptive to Josie's put-down. In her own way, I think she was telling him to be true to himself. Remember white kids, be Eminem, be the Beastie Boys, hell even be MC Chris, but don't be Vanilla Ice.

Try this, kids at home!

I thought Mac's dreams were great, too.