Anthony J. Rand

I think it worked well because of how much work they put in to make it authentic. I love Too Many Cooks, and they did it first of course, but Mr. Robot's post-production was better, with the aspect ratio, the blurry, washed colors, the 90s beer commercials, and the retro bug on the bottom of the screen (I also got a

The meta ending sounds interesting, but I don't find Rogan funny and the trailer looked fucking terrible. Just a bunch of cute cartoon characters saying "Fuck!" over and over again. They clearly think that's novel, but we've had South Park and internet cartoons giving that for decades.

Wasn't this an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force?

Has anyone seen the Bob Odenkirk shorts? Are they any good? I know James Gunn was attached to this monstrosity, which is depressing.

See, when I see a list of big-name Hollywood actors on an animated film, I don't think "Wow, that's impressive," I think "Wow, this sucks so bad they're really trying to trick me to watch it." These people aren't voice actors (except Hader, who has a long voice acting roster), and typically when actors who have been

The worst part is that by denying them help we're increasing their chances of breaking and creating another victim :/

Why not furries? If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Birth By Sleep was my favorite. Plus it turned me on to Itadaki Street! Which annoyingly has only seen stateside release on the Wii.

The latter

What really sucks (especially on 3, which was a little harder than 4) is when you're speeding merrily along through a dungeon, killing every enemy in sight, then one enemy gets a lucky shot in, combos, and now your whole party is dead and you've lost two hours worth of gameplay :(

Persona 3 and 4 don't require you to grind to level up, but the dungeons do take hours and hours to get through, which can be a real chore if you're more interested in the social elements and story.

They're 50/50, but I won't lie to you, the grind is grueling. I first played them in college, and we actually had a system where I would grind on the dungeons all night long, then the following afternoon my girlfriend and friend would come over so the three of us could play through the storyline together. It can

Half of the time when my social circle gets together we just vent out all our frustrations about the things we can't say at work, to family, in front of friends with more differing political perspectives, etc. Part of any society is knowing when to keep your mouth shut.

The conundrum for re-replaying the Persona games for me is that the only thing I haven't done on previous play-thrus is max out all my social links. So every time I play, I consider following a guide and rigidly maxing everything out. But that just feels like so much pushing buttons, boring. So I end up

I agree wholeheartedly. Maybe they aren't "bad" per se, but I do think they're flavorless. Any Marvel movie sounds like any other Marvel movie. I just want some distinct, unique sounds.

Perhaps not, but I didn't know the cat was going to talk at all.

If so, this is the first time I've noticed. I'd say it's more odd that they'd make a post about sports.

Is obvious evan a bad thing? I mean, it's a Hollywood action sci-fi, not Shakespeare. Then again, I'll frankly take any movie soundtrack that doesn't use the same three AC/DC tracks over again.

Diff'rent strokes, I suppose. I really like The Winter Soldier's synths, it adds even more to the feeling that you're watching Metal Gear: The Movie. I can't tell the other scores apart, though, they're all just booming horns that I think are supposed to be awe-inspiring but really just make me drowsy. I tend to

A few years back I said to a friend, "I feel like I'm watching them get inducted into a cult." I guess I'm glad I'm not the only one.