Anthony J. Rand

I saw Steven Blum at a convention, and someone cracked a joke about the Cowboy Bebop movie that Keanu was attached to. Blum said "I was at an airport once and Keanu Reeves approached me to talk about Cowboy Bebop. He clearly loved the show and said they had a great script and I think he would have done a good job."

Well, this might have been a real funny twist to the movie if you hadn't spoiled it in the damn headline.

Maybe if they made more than one entry in the series per decade they'd learn something with each outing. While some people criticize Nintendo for sticking to the same old IPs, my biggest issue with them is actually that they don't use many of the IPs they have.

Kit-9, K-10, and Cocka-3 never cease to make me giggle.

I need to finish Bravely Default. I loved it, and considered it the first natural evolution of the turn-based RPG I've seen in a long time. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at video games and got completely stuck in the second world (no spoilers, please!)

Kinda surprising it's not called "Final Fantasy: Bravely Default" considering it has all the usual classes and the crystals. I guess they're hurt the Final Fantasy brand so much that it's more a liability than a selling point now.

Probably because Go God Go was a riff on old sci fi shows. Weirdly, doing something of the moment can easily become dated, but doing something retro sticks around longer.

The height of their peaks is way more important than their batting average. Bill Murray can't help it that Garfield was shit, what was he supposed to do to fix it? It's a job, and sometimes they get saddled with a bad gig.

Does anyone else get the feeling that they're intentionally rubbing Chopper in our faces, like the Venture Brothers did with the Moppets? It feels like they keep making jokes about him coming close to getting his comeuppance, but never does just to piss off the audience.

I don't think it's fair to characterize Spy as a movie making fun of McCarthy's weight or her sexuality, since it's pretty clearly a metaphor for sexism in the workplace. The movie never makes fun of her for her sexuality, her coworkers do. The movie never tells her it's wrong for her to be sexual (and by the end of

I'm confused about the Pretty Little Liars thing. Is it a self-deprecating joke on the part of the Christian filmmakers? Surely it's not an esoteric reference to Chad Curtis, is it?

"Wow is that really Santa?"

Yeah, all Batman did was point a machine gun at someone and pull the trigger. He can't help it if bullets kill the guy. It was his fault for standing in front of the gun.

You want her to look hot as hell AND look great at the same time? Slow down, Hollywood, all this progress is gonna make my head spin!

I always liked Aunt May in the Ultimate comics. Bendis did a good job of showing how tough it is being a parent.

Anyone else want an MP3 of that song at the end? I actually wonder if Paul F. Tompkins sang on it.

Oiy vey, yes, those sections of the book were interminable. "We now interrupt this exciting horror novel to give you five more pages of me bragging about this chick I totally banged."

Could the seashell be a reference to House of Leaves? In House, a man gets lost in a labyrinth that changes constantly, and has a dream about being in the spiral of a giant mollusk.

Don't forget also that even Judy's childhood bully subverts expectations, growing into a kindly and apologetic adult.

Jesus, I feel bad for Aaron Eckhart. Somebody put the poor bastard in a Marvel movie or something.