Anthony J. Rand

The reason the reference humor works on Venture is that even if you don't get the reference, the context of the scene makes it understandable and funny. Hell, there are lots of cool things I've seen now because of the references in Venture.

Similarly, I only play MMOs when I'm between jobs. Who has that much time in the day?

I am now going to enjoy his appearances 1000x more thanks to you.

Of course Bruce Wayne would say that. Talk about a rich white guy indulging dangerous whims.

The Sicilian scene was played for us at DragonCon, and ended on Brock's "What the fuck was that?!" Audience loved it.

The worst thing is, they added a handy screenshot button to the controller, but removed the ability to set screenshots as your wallpaper like the PS3 had.

Everyyyyybodyyyy huuuurts…. sometimes….

Trying to excise queer scenes from Steven Universe is like trying to remove peanut butter from a Reese's cup. It won't work and you've just made the candy less delicious.

"I'm a Pearl, I need someone to tell me what to do."

If the player actually played, I imagine Community would have brought more money in. Almost every episode I would try to watch on Yahoo Screen before giving up in frustration and pirating it.

True, I apologize for my wording there. I just meant that of that number of people it wouldn't surprise me if one of them were lying. It also wouldn't surprise me if none of them were lying. It would definitely surprise me if they were all lying, though, and if even one of them is telling the truth than Cosby

With the huge and growing number of accusers, it's at least statistically likely that one or two is lying/bandwagoning/whatever. But it's also nearly impossible that not one of them is telling the truth. He's a horrible monster if he drugged and raped even one woman, so I don't see much point in debating if any of

Andy Kindler said it best: "Don't you miss the days when Cosby was just a sanctimonious, hypocritical jerk?"

Hm, that does speak well of it. And I like Starburns' and friends work, so I may give it a shot.

Nevermind, read it. This sounds terrible. I'm sure Noonan is great, though. He always is.

Hm. Avoided the spoilers, because I do like stop motion and I once called myself a Kaufman fan. Synechdoche really soured me on him.

Yeah, I was thinking they looked like Squidbillies characters, but streamlined to take the edge off, so that it just looks bad as opposed to ugly in an interesting way.

Those are the worst character designs I've seen in years.

Argo was on the blacklist? I thought Hollywood chomped at the bit to make movies about how great Hollywood is.

I'm just gonna sit here hitting "Like" all day.