Anthony J. Rand

I couldn't make it past the first episode of season 4. Why the hell would anyone make an ensemble comedy without an ensemble?

"Sugar is bad. Sugar rots your teeth. Hitler ate sugar."

This is the third time I'v encountered the Ben Stiller Show this week. That's weird, right?

The robot design was neat. Made for a cool toy. Movie sucked, though, with its weird time travel baloney.

I'm so sick of people calling superhero shows "grounded."

Oh snap! Thanks for the tip, dude, I really appreciate that! :D

I'm wondering how much of this has to do with our age. I grew up with the Special Editions, so a lot of the things in there I'm used to. That said, watching them now the bad CGI is severely distracting. But Jedi Rocks just doesn't bother me all that much.
Now, the Jabba scene in A New Hope, that irritates the hell

I think all good kid's entertainment can have themes that adults relate to, though. At one point Disney was going to cut "A Part of Your World" out of The Little Mermaid because kids found it boring. But when they screened the film for adult focus groups the adults were in tears. That doesn't make it an adult

Okay, I'll give you that. Also, watching the two back to back, I will say the editing is confusing on Jedi Rocks. It can be easy to miss what's going on with the slave Jabba drops into the pit.

Am I being pranked? It's John Williams' kid noodling around on a Casio. It's barely even a song. Don't get me wrong, Jedi Rocks isn't a song either, but criminy, nerds will just pretend any turd in the original trilogy is gold.

Yeah. You can also buy them from individual sellers, too, but there's a considerable markup. Hence why I still haven't got Emperor Palpatine for my Imperial collection. I still haven't decided if it's worth spending $25 for a single figure or if I should just spend $100 on the set. I have a pretty good bootleg of

How is a genetic lottery less fascist than a spiritual lottery? Either way, there were always "special" people who could use the force while normies couldn't.

Violence isn't adult, how we discuss violence is. Star Wars has a very simple, black-and-white morality that is indeed appealing to children. It's why adults find fairy tales where the villain is horribly punished disturbing, while kids find it entertaining.

I think you could make that argument, actually.

I've noticed plenty of prequel hate in the articles, including this one.

No complaints about the articles themselves from me, but the new format is indeed annoying.

Same here. I remember I was never a huge fan of them, but the amount of hate they get is fairly ridiculous, especially considering the original trilogy (which I love) is pretty silly as well. There's not a lot of irony going on with the complaints, including the ones I've seen in articles here at Star Wars Week.

Is Jedi Rocks really any worse than the song it replaced?

You are correct, it's pretty damn boring. Though there is a bit with a peacock feather that had a good bit of the theater laughing. It's not the worst movie I've ever tried to snark, though. That crown goes to Twilight's cousin The Host. Holy moses is that movie unbearable.

Shameless plug time, I saw 50 Shades on opening day, along with its Christian counterpart Old Fashioned, in order to snark it for my first attempt at a podcast. Spoilers: Old Fashioned was somehow both a slightly better movie and slightly more offensive, though they were both heinous.