Anthony J. Rand

Did anybody hear the story about Jerry Lewis on Best Show last week? It was a doozy.

Were there any UFOs this week? I didn't spot one.

I thought Peggy high-tailed it on out of there and Hank woke up to an empty house. I guess we'll find out next week.

I was very excited about that Double Decker Couch set. Before that you could only get Benny from the $100 space ship set. And for the real collectors out there who want every single variation, they made the figures slightly different so that the spaceship set still had collector's value. I can respect that. The

Yowza, that sounds like Lego alright. I love their toys, and I do think you get what you pay for in terms of quality. But they straight up fuck with collectors who want the figures. Have you seen the Scooby Doo sets? The only set that comes with Velma is the $120 one. Those magnificent bastards.

Chopper isn't a character, he's a festering boil growing on the show.

Even that bothered me, though, because by then the video games had gotten to the point where the Force was just ridiculously powerful.

Oh yeah, they're all huge jerks. But in some amusing way. She was just irritating.

How did Starkiller make this list? Force Awakens was the lowest point of the entire franchise, worse than any of the prequels by far.

Sabine is lame, but she got the best Disney Infinity figure. I'm still seriously pissed off that everyone got a figure except Hera. Rassum frassum

Sophia is dead? So close to the end of the series? Jesus, I wish we could have ten more seasons now that I know she can't possibly be involved. Seriously, she was the worst. I fucking hated every moment she was on screen. The sheer awfulness of her was only mitigated by the fact that I understood that Ruxin was a

Has anyone played Edge of the Empire? I'm getting ready for a game, my first time being a GM. The last time I tried to GM something a few years ago I dragged my feet and it never happened, even though I had all these campaign ideas. This time I'm trying to make sure I don't chicken out, I even bought a GM screen

I'm getting ready to GM for the first time and I'm surprised at how nervous it makes me. It's like performing in front of a crowd.

That sounds like something my old DM would do. Our first day, one of our hapless players said "Okay, I have 'Gather Information.' Can I gather information?"
"From what? The townspeople?"
"Okay. 'I-I've never met an elf before… Y-you don't eat babies, do you?' That's the information you gathered."

That's pretty awesome. Playing evil characters sounds fun, but I've been told it almost always devolves into narrative corners or everyone betraying each other. Yours sounds like taking that concept and giving it the perfect ending.

Ugh! I didn't know I wanted that and now I want it so bad!

Me. In my comment. Got my name on it and everything.

That's what Bakshi said, that we have this family of sons who go and get themselves killed, and how tragic that must be for their mother.

I'd assume from his comments here that he thinks the mafia did it. Bakshi despised the mafia and has been critical of films like the Godfather that glorify it. Makes sense, as he grew up in Brooklyn in the 40s.

Yer damn right