Anthony J. Rand

I don't know about Swift. As the interviewee here points out, by the age of 16 she was a millionaire. That doesn't mean she wasn't bullied, but I imagine the experiences of a pop star are vastly different.

But there's not any irony there, we're just supposed to agree with her. At least with Levigne's schtick, we're supposed to believe that she's a "bad girl," insofar as such a thing is possible in teen pop music.

The Nostalgia Critic has a running gag where whenever something inappropriate or horrifying happens in a kids movie he says "A faaaamily pi'ture!" Apparently it goes back to him and his brother watching Wizards with Bakshi's commentary. They couldn't understand why he kept calling it a family picture.

"If you want to know more about Grand Funk Railroad, check your local library!"

I will say it's slightly better (they're both awful) if only because Lavigne is less sugar-sweet about it. Taylor is breaking up a couple, she's the bad guy, but she romanticizes it so that she looks like the good guy. To my memory, Lavigne is being pretty straightforward about being the bad guy. I respect an

When I channel my inner 17-year-old, it's to watch anime or something. I usually try to forget the turmoil of unrequited love.

All girls get bullied, even the ones who do a little bullying themselves. My sister was a pretty, popular girl in high school with lots of friends and I still remember girls being pretty damn cruel to her.

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?

Was he acting like everyone's grandpa or just mine?