Anthony J. Rand

This sounds like something I'd choke on. The names alone are annoying. I hate when writers don't just name their fucking characters.

Anybody ever seen the TV movie Monster Mash? My friend and I hunted down a copy when we heard it had Mink Stole and the oldest daughter from Full House. It's unwatchably bad. It's basically a sexless version of Rocky Horror. And the worst part was Jimmy Walker's… I guess you call it "comedy." It felt pretty

Well, true, but I mean that Lovecraft's monsters explicitly come from outer space and aren't actually magical. It's text, not a fan theory or anything.

12 minutes?! That's a goddam eternity at the theater.

It's not even a complete pun. I keep trying to figure out who Lawrence is.

Jokes about Soulja Boy and Britney Spears are pretty dated now, I'd say.
Everything in the trailer for this looked stolen from other movies. The zombie cat scene was just the squirrel from Christmas Vacation.

I loved It Follows, myself. Ti West wowed me with House of the Devil, so I was very excited about that hotel ghost movie he did. It…. did not wow me. I was pretty bored, actually.

Ohh, okay then. Well, I'd certainly consider his work science fiction. Except for maybe the Dreamlands stuff, it all has that science fiction element to it. The evil gods aren't really gods, just vast alien intelligences.

The whole theater laughed pretty hard at that one when I saw it.

Wouldn't Lovecraft have called himself a science fiction writer? Was that term in use at the time?

For me, mental health is something that is scary enough in real life that it doesn't really interest me in film. But I think there's essentially three different types of horror, and different people are affected by them differently: Real, Unreal, and Surreal.

I'm trying to think of counter-examples, but I may be in the same camp, actually. Personally, I think mainstream horror is at an all-time low but more independent horror is still going strong. I'm just so sick of trailers for movies with a bunch of people in creepy masks and then the music sting hurts my ears. Just

Did anyone go to the Cabin in the Woods haunted house at Universal Studios two years ago? It was pretty great, and I think they may have had the same actor playing Fornicus. He looked identical to the one in the movie.

I considered that, too, but that can't be it for me because I'm scared of lots of things that I know don't exist. I do find the idea of losing my mind to be terrifying, though.

There is no truer horror than knowing the Scary Movie franchise continues to make money.

Yeah, back to the horror being subjective well, I can't find any exorcism movies scary. I guess in a body horror kinda way the idea of exorcism should be scary but… yeah, it just doesn't bother me. Maybe it's because I feel like if you bring God into the equation, there's just nothing to be afraid of anymore. Sure,

I'd still say it's a horror film, though, no question. As the commentariat says "It can be two things." I mean, I was scared. But even if I wasn't, it had killer clowns and werewolves eating people. That's horror.

In other words, lazy writing.

Or god, the scene with the frog? How can anyone say that's not a banana peel moment?

He can subjectively think that one genre is more subjective.