Anthony J. Rand

Horror and comedy are easily the most subjective genres, and the ones that change the most over generations and cultures. My dad, for example, thinks that the Exorcist is still the scariest movie of all time, but most people my age wouldn't agree.

Holy moses this is pretentious. So the scene where the teens are dancing all sexy, then we cut to the two old guys dancing all goofy, that's not a joke? Or the scene where the scientists take bets on which monster is going to show up, that's not a "set piece intentionally crafted to make the audience laugh?" For

Oh, that'd be great! Hirsch has always said the show ends at the end of Summer. That'd be a really cool way to get a little epilogue after the series has ended.

No official announcement. Disney has been weirdly quiet. We don't even know how many episodes are left in the season, nor when we're getting them.

It is a pretty interesting contrast. The Stan/Ford Pines twins were separated, leading one to become a criminal and the other to go a little crazy. Bill used that to his advantage. But when the Mabel/Dipper Pines twins work together, he's easily defeated.

So, how many parts does everyone think there will be to Weirdmageddon? I'm thinking at least four. Part 2 will all be from Mabel's perspective, showing what she was doing inside the dreamscape / cutie mark prison that Bill trapped her in (I severely doubt this show would just let her be the princess in need of

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There's something distinctly British about building up the tragedy of a mentor's death for several chapters, then having our heroes get bailed out of a jam by that mentor's brother…

True. I'm more mad at Fox than anybody. I'm the rare nerd who actually likes the X-Men movies, but I'm mad as hell that they're doing a motherfucking Gambit solo movie when they have a huge stable of female characters just begging for movies. Do they not realize how much of the X-Men fanbase is female? I know

Oh yeah, I forgot about Agent Carter. That was actually quite good (miles above Agents of SHIELD). But yeah, we should have got Captain Marvel and Wasp and She-Hulk ages ago. Wasp was even in the original script for Avengers and they cut her.

They could just do him as a supporting character in Luke Cage. They've already announced they're doing that with Misty Knight anyway.

They played the whole first episode at NYCC. I wasn't there, but my friend was, and she confirmed both F-words and butt stuff. This is going to be rated R all the way.

This just jumped to the top of my list. I've wanted TV shows of Marvel's "street" characters since I was in high school, with Jessica Jones and Daredevil at the top of my list. But at the same time, I never thought I'd get the R-rated Alias adaptation I wanted. Even when Daredevil came out and was very dark, I was

True, and that was a fun angle. And Iove in Hellboy 2, when Hellboy just blows the lid on the whole thing.

I came from a loving, church going, nuclear family, but somehow I still find Home Movies to be the most relatable show of all time.

Why is magic always a secret in these worlds? Even in the Hellboy movies it was like that, despite the fact that in the comic everyone knew about the BPRD and Hellboy himself was a bit of a celebrity. Always just feels lazy to me.

This might have something to do with Yahoo Screen being the worst, most unusable player ever.

Oh I love Roger Rabbit and always will. I watched it last month and still thoroughly enjoyed it. It does feel weirdly short, though, like bits of the second act are missing.

Man, those costumes were oversized. Intentionally so, I must assume, because when he turns into a cartoon character they still look oversized.

I'll say the same thing about him that I say about Anne Colter: whether you're an honest piece of shit or a dishonest piece of shit, you're still a piece of shit.