Anthony J. Rand

I've always wanted to see Heavy Traffic and Coonskin, but never got around to it. I did catch Cool World on TV a few weeks ago. It was godawful, though the backgrounds were gorgeous.

Boba Fett's obsession with Han Solo is pretty classic too. Most of their Star Wars sketches are funny, actually. There are some Robot Chicken bits that I find hilarious, but more often than not I find it lazy or just shock value with no actual punch line. It can also be over-written a lot of the time, weirdly

Dipper *is* responsible for saving the universe. For all we know, Mabel just destroyed it.

As this episode demonstrated, high school isn't an emotionally healthy place either.

It's not paranoia if the interdimensional demons are really out to get you.

Did you look that up or have it committed to memory? Because if it's the latter, kudos.

I dunno, I feel like despite Ford's faults, I can't see a lot of bad things about exploring the known multiverse. Dipper can go back home and live a successful, mundane life, or he can live on the edge fighting monsters and investigating crashed spaceships. He'd learn much more from Ford than he would in the

There's a great anecdote on the DVD commentary about the Ayn Rand foundation calling them up confused about whether or not they'd been made fun of.

Hopefully. Fingers crossed for that movie.

Because Summer can't last forever. According to Hirsch's AMA, he hoped for the show to have either 3 seasons or 2 seasons and a movie. I brought this up to Chapman and he said he hopes Hirsch gets the movie but that the show is a complete story. The way season 2 was split in the middle, though, it feels like two

There will not be a third season. Matt Chapman told me that at HeroesCon. He said Alex Hirsch only wanted two seasons because he wanted the show to have a complete beginning and end.

A lot of emotional pain for me in this one. And some still unresolved angst about how I want the show to end. I've long complained about how Dipper always has to sacrifice his happiness for Mabel's, something I think the show has improved upon lately. So I don't want Dipper to walk away from a good opportunity just

"A Streetcar Named Marge" is my favorite Lovitz performance. Whenever I see something disheartening or insulting to my intelligence, I reply "I'm gonna go climb into bed with a bottle of Amaretto."

Funny thing is I'm an aspiring writer and I'm deeply fond of all those men. Wonder what it is about us that makes us averse to it.

Tina dating someone who is even weirder than her is really becoming a case of diminishing returns. When is Gene going to have a crush on a boy, anyway?

I turn 27 on Wednesday and I do not know how to drive. Glad to hear I'm in good company.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not :P If not, thank you! I just changed a few things and realized the dance line fit that Evangelion episode.

The book seemed like a funny joke that couldn't possibly be worth reading for hours. With a decent director, though, it could make for a fun 90 minutes.

Yep, according to Sugar it's in "Delmarva," as in DELaware, MARyland, and VirginiA. It's based on her vacations growing up.

You may have missed this, but the show is about magical gems.