Anthony J. Rand

Regardless, she had all the working materials to raise a fetus and give birth. It would be pretty strange for them to have that ability for no reason.

That's what I assumed. We've seen her try to operate the Kindergarten, after all.

I've thought about that too. Nor did it escape my notice that Peridot and Pearl both have their gem on their forehead. I assume that reflects their similar personalities. I wonder if that also means they can't fuse together, as when gems fuse their gem remains on the same part of the body.

I meant they can procreate with humans.

I want that Golf JRPG Steven plays.

I think Sugar and the gang already did that for me.

Oh snap, you're right! I was preoccupied with the racism angle, so I didn't even think about that, but it makes perfect sense. Mind if I quote you on it?

I think Beach City and Ocean Town might be a joke on Ocean City, Maryland, too, since Beach City is in Delmarva and Ocean City is a real-life vacation spot.

I think she must not have known about the fusion experiments, otherwise there's no way the Crystal Gems were sitting around for thousands of years without devising a way to stop the cluster. I think they were deep underground and Rose wouldn't have found out about them until they emerged. She had enough on her plate

But that would mean Pearl couldn't summon a weapon. I think the wings are a special ability like shapeshifting, but I don't think we've truly seen Lapis's weapon yet.

Magic keeps them away. The same magic that keeps them from noticing just how weird the gems are. There's no way that Dr. Maheswaren could look at that gem mutant mass of limbs with a butt for a face and think it was a human being.

Oh, my mistake, I thought it was more accusatory. He was saying he thought it was fabricated, yes.

I want to hate on that, on principal, but that actually is a pretty great title.


I thought that very same thing when I saw those commercials. They were even showing clips from that My Little Pony parody, which I'm pretty sure also ended in violence.

Note also that Jasper uses the Sonic the Hedgehog spin attack that Amethyst likes to use.

Or they just outlived them. Thousands of years don't seem like much to them.

Not if they were designed by another species. My friend's theory is that they were designed as a replacement for biological life. Hence why they can do anything that we can do -eat, sleep, poop, procreate- but typically choose not to do those things.

I was one of the few people who liked TTG, but now I hate it. It's on TV more often than Blue Bloods and L&O.

Yeah, why isn't Adventure Time and Regular Show on anymore? It's really weird.