Anthony J. Rand

According to my 200-volume fan fiction, yes.

According to this article, one actor said it happened. If any outside groups were accusing the cast and crew of stealing stuff, it wasn't mentioned by this article, which is the article we are commenting on.

That's what Greg said in the season finale. "They keep trying to make up for it, but they can't forgive themselves." I think Greg knows things about Rose that the Gems don't even know, myself. Rose hated herself for what she did so she decided to protect Earth. Plus she just didn't want to go home. "Do you ever

I think that's more to do with the animation budget than anything. I think if there weren't people visiting, Mr. Smiley would be out of business.

Fans are very good at completely missing the fucking point.

I think initially most of them couldn't summon weapons. Jasper, being a soldier, summons one, but Peridot and Lapis can't. And Pearl used a sword during the war, not her lance.

I think she's singing about humans in general. I assume she destroyed a lot of planets before the human race melted her heart.

Beach City is a tourist town, so we can assume there are big cities out there.

True, maybe "most of U.S." is a stretch. If Hollywood is in Kansas, though, maybe California is uninhabitable.

I don't think "love at first sight" means "never have a problem, ever" though.

All I wanna do, is see you get into
A giant robot
A giant robot!
All I wanna be, is someone who gets to see
A giant robot

I think Ruby and Sapphire are just two of the many, many gems who joined the revolution under Rose. Over time they became friends, and they were close enough to Rose that her shield protected them when the rest of the armies died.

"I barely even know you."
"That's a good thing."

That was my favorite part! Amethyst's expression said it all. "This is what it's like living with you."

Pearl was Rose's lady-in-waiting. Ruby is slave labor for extreme conditions. Sapphire might be a computer, given her ability to predict the future. Amethyst is a soldier, but she has some kind of flaw. Jasper called her "overcooked." It's possible that Amethysts were soldiers to work under Jaspers, or it's

That doesn't change the fact that they were pretty instantly in love. Or at least Greg was. He gave up his entire life to stay with her within hours of meeting her.

I imagine the human population is a lot smaller, and one of the show's writers said there was no WW2 in that world (though apparently they still have Sailor Moon and Final Fantasy, hard to imagine modern Japan without WW2, but whatever). The Kindergarten was in America somewhere. My friend has a theory that most of

I think that she wouldn't have been able to maintain her composure so well without the Gems backing her up. Power of friendship!

I like the lesson learned in Love Letters because it's good for the kids in the real world, but in the Steven Universe world it's completely incorrect. Greg and Rose DID have love at first sight.

No one has said "Hey, there's a bunch of stuff missing, it must have been that Hollywood crew!" so, no, as far as we know it didn't happen. You can't prove a negative.