Anthony Hillman

That's what I mean. I have no problem with someone new taking over as Captain America, either. Just like I don't have a problem with a new Spider-Man or Batman, etc. But a new Thor?

Nope. If you're going to use a historical setting (even a fantastical version of it with dragons), you should get it right.

There is evidence that points to most Arthurian legends being fictionalised accounts of actual events throughout pre-Christian British history. There probably wasn't ONE King Arthur in real life, but many that had deeds attributed to him.
The point being, there may be fantastical elements to those stories, but they're

It always bothers me when people talk about how unrepresentative comics have always been until now, when I look back at The Sandman and see people of all races, genders and sexualities represented in a fairly realistic way - even taking into account that it's fantasy.

There are other examples. For instance, I have no problem with the concept of Thor becoming unworthy of wielding Mjolnir and a woman coming along who is worthy. It sounds awesome, and I'm looking forward to reading it. But it makes no sense to call her "the new Thor"… Thor isn't an identity that can be passed down to

All good points. I retract my complaints about Heimdall. :-)

Oh, and I forgot to mention… there are actually TWO Asian women in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Well, technically one and a half. Chloe Bennet, who plays Skye is half-Chinese, and it seems according to the season finale that Skye herself is, too.

The current Batgirl costume isn't spandex, but functional kevlar.
I'm all for a new creative team letting Barbara have fun for a change, because her life has been one tragedy after another lately, but there's no need for the costume change.

My problem with some of the so-called "race-bending" (or, most recently, "gender-bending") is that it so often doesn't make sense. Susan Storm in the new Fantastic Four movie is going to be played by a white woman… Susan and Johnny are brother and sister. If you're gonna make one of them black, then at least make both