
I think it means surprise... surprise and fear... fear and surprise... it means fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency... it means fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope... amongst the things it means are such elements as fear, surprise... I’ll try that again.

Blasphemous generated huge early interest largely on the strength of its dark, Spanish Inquisition-tinged visuals

We should all buy this and ship it over to the UK so Techmoan can review it. :)

A lot of stuff ages out, especially stuff labelled ‘For Official Use Only’. There are even publishers that republish the stuff, complete with the warnings.

I get both sides on this, because datamining shit does ruin some of the fun, especially in a game like Destiny where you’ll have community-wide events to try and figure riddles and stuff out.

Something similar kicks in between Indianapolis and Chicago/Gary,IN, except there are an (by US standards) exceptional number of windmills for miles. At night, the sky is full of what look like blinking red lights as the spinning blades intermittently obscure said lights (presumably there to warn aircraft). The effect

I dunno man, “blood” and “honor” are two pretttttty common words in video games, and putting them together seems like something that’s probably happened without any devious intentions more than a few times across the history of gaming. The fact that you’ve got to translate it from German first, too... ehh.

But he was also so young that he could re-evaluate his positions and beliefs later in life, like Elizabeth Warren only became a liberal when she was in her 40s.

This...10000000000000000x this.

We cannot remotely judge, even on a surface level, an entire 12 week season based on a scant few hours of the first day.

Of course it seems good now, it’s fresh...come back in a few weeks when everyone is bored or angry, then tell me how it seems.

This is sad.

People died, guy... and we’re pretty lucky that it wasn’t significantly more people.

- Calvin and Hobbes, September 1, 1992

You know how every generation has some special word that literally just means “cool”?

I swear people will find anything to complain about this game.  


I played a bunch of Crucible last night. It was a shitshow, and it was GLORIOUS. I haven’t had that much fun in Crucible in months, and I haven’t even unlocked the new supers yet. I totally get why tryhard players (like .5% of the playerbase) wouldn’t like it, and I don’t blame them. But hot damn does a casual player

The Fallen can be redeemed and take up their old name of Eliksni again. I personally hope Mithrax and his House of Light is in Beyond Light quite a bit. The dude needs more then sitting at the farm basement.

(Cheerful) I am happy to hear this! (Depressed) Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.

It’s not that it’s news, it’s that someone took the time to actually research it and prove it to be true.