They bolded and italicized the masculine pronouns in reference to the internet mob in the wake of a female gamedev who the internet mob called on to be fired under similar (but not identical) circumstances.
They bolded and italicized the masculine pronouns in reference to the internet mob in the wake of a female gamedev who the internet mob called on to be fired under similar (but not identical) circumstances.
I love this. One of the producers at Ubisoft actually took to his twitter, screenshotting the above “good” tweet and very bluntly called out those same racist, toxic people to their faces and said they were only in gaming to be bullies. You will note the internet/Reddit mob has yet to demand his head on a pike and…
“Do we want to talk about homophobia?” Cage told the paper. “We work with Ellen Page, who is fighting for LGBT rights. Do we want to talk about racism? We are working with Jesse Williams, who is fighting for civil rights in the United States... Judge my work.”
Remember.. he’s a “business man” (both of those words are debatable).. and as that, the idea of a agency that doesn’t GENERATE A SUBSTANTIAL PROFIT is just wrong.
Kate, I’m going to offer you +10 internets today. You’ve earned that having to review and write about this game. You’re a trooper and deserve a bonus. Tell your boss to take you out for ice cream or a nice coffee or something and throw in a little something, something in the ol’ paycheck. The Kotaku readers have…
I mean objectively you are wrong, but we all have diff opinions.
There’s potentially an alternate version of Grand Theft Auto where you decide not to be a criminal and become an accountant instead, but do you really want to play that?
I wish I had a book that also worked as a response to questions. (Great book too!)
For once I hope your investigation comes up dry, not because I don’t want harassment to be exposed but because I hope there isn’t any there to be exposed (but there definitely is and it makes me really sad just thinking about it).
Uncles second cousin moved to PPC in late ‘80s. His first letter was an ode to the regime in handwriting suspiciously unlike his and then total silence.
The last game already introduced the tech to hook a brain up to a mech, but this installation opens up the possibility of hooking up a head to a super soldier body.
The establishment of this head-in-jar technology and the introduction to “you know who” can only point to a single conclusion about the third game’s final boss and I can’t wait.
Boy do I have a game for you! It’s called Team Fortress 2 and for years has featured gaming’s premier hat-based economy.
Wyatt’s problems are much more...psychedelic in nature.
I mean, it’s not exactly popular, post WWII, right? One guy doomed an entire mustache style.
Whoever does the voice for BJ deserves an award. His little internal monologues are chilling, especially the opening hours of the game.
Wyatt’s story was by turns tragic, hysterical, concerning, heartbreaking, and beautiful. His monologue during the end credits was something truly special. I’m looking forward to making my second run with Fergus, though; I missed the Laserkraftwerk.
Right? I rolled my squeeky assed chair up behind 3 different guys and meleed them all... “Don’t turn around, normal noise back here!”
As someone in a wheelchair, I was pleasantly surprised to see BJ start off the game in one. My joy was a little blunted by the mechanics of the chair itself, which were (let’s just say) less than realistic. If I could find a magic chair that handles obstacles like his does, I’d be a very happy man.