Why is Frank Oz's head exploding?
Why is Frank Oz's head exploding?
That would indeed be a gun, and although it may play a minimal threat to your health and safety, I still wouldn't be flippant about it. A paper dart to the eye would hurt and would have a small chance to blind you. Very small. Almost non-existent.
My point is it can. My Dad used to own a pneumatic BB gun for chasing off feral dogs and cats and for plinking. Five or six pumps was enough to scare off a dog, leave it bruised and in pain but still healthy, but a few more would easily send one of its copper-clad lead BBs right through a 2x4.
Huh. Okay, let me adjust this a bit. A gun is any tool or weapon that fires a projectile down a guiding tube or track, most often through the use of a chemical explosion, but sometimes via spring, pneumatic pressure, or magnetic inductance. I'd consider the crossbow's track to be too short for the purposes of…
And I do. A gun is any tool or weapon that fires a projectile, most often through the use of a chemical explosion, but sometimes via spring, pneumatic pressure, or magnetic inductance. A spring- or pneumatically-powered BB gun fits that definition.
I've said it before and will say it again: if it can launch a projectile with enough force to pierce skin, it is a gun and should be treated with the utmost respect. Glad the kid didn't get shot. It's hard to kill someone with a BB gun, but not impossible.
I really should get back to playing Super Monday Night Combat. G. G. Stack and Chip Valvano, the announcers for the game, really sell that this is a future contact sport. Plus their conversations when they think the mic is off are chucke-worthy.
Latchkey Kingdom is an upcoming webcomic written by a fellow named Nick Daniel, whose previous work includes the quite good 70-Seas. While not about video games, per-se, Latchkey Kingdom is a direct rift of the Legend of Zelda set in Daniel's 70-Seas world.
Problem is Critical Miss is produced and paid for by the Escapist, another video game news site. Kinda feels like stealing, even if there is a link back to the original.
Unfortunately, I just don't see that happening. I mean, imagine this through with me:
This thread is quickly turning into a bomb.
Fresh Fish! Get your ice cold Fish right here! Fresh from the Hudson!
Decisions, decisions. Most people only play one MMO at a time. WildStar or Firefall? Firefall or WildStar? FireStar or Wildfall?
Even we engineers are classier. A professional engineer affixes his seal to approved plans before they are ever enacted, basically to say "this is safe enough not to kill anyone."
I did!
I simply die too often to be of major use in a TDM game, so when I play, say, Blacklight: Retribution, I usually stick to something like Seige, where each team takes turns escorting or defending against a tank. Nice, clear objectives I can work towards without the pressure of actually having to engage other players…
How do I take it? Orally, intravenously, or suppository? You gotta be specific.
There was a time when they were both evil and competent at being evil. I believe it was called Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. Embrance an emerging standard, such as HTML, Extend it with proprietary features so that only Microsoft brand gear could use it, such as web pages built with code that could only be viewed…
Crime is a constant feature of video games writing. Somewhere, someone is doing something illicit with them—sometimes comically stupid, sometimes tragic. Games and consoles are currency, objects of dispute, sometimes even weapons themselves. Kotaku's Police Blotter is here to round up the latest in games crime.
Well, nuts. EA is making it harder to keep Origin off my computer. This and maybe Garden Warfare are the only things of theirs holding my interest enough to try their Steam competitor.