
if there not allowing you to alter your controls, thats bs. Look at PC gaming. is everyone required to use the same exact keys to play a game? If it does involve macros, then of course they should be banned, that would give you the edge in several aspects.

very unintresting. I don't care if one of them loads faster than the other. Its not something that I would actually care about. But at least hes goes into the actual UI and shows how things work like screen flipping etc.

Wow thats how all police should be. Kudos to them.

oo! they could then use me as a skeleton puppet at day of the dead :D :D

thats cyber terrorism for you... .

yea i call bullshit. your not magnetized. you sprayed yourself with spray on adhesive.

Uh wow...i just wanted to show my friend my hes on a list of suspected criminals...thanks

"seven of us crammed into this little hut that was covered in rooster shit with massive spiders above our head and screaming babies three feet away"

sounds like rain. 0.0

@onenotesam: just like the guy said...who does that? pulls over? that why people just go for it and hope they dont get caught/killed

that video hits you in the face. chick that was texting while driving. Judging from the sound effects (neck cracks) and the "im not getting any response" she kill 4 people. :/ yea her life sucks.

@unyi3lding: comes out in november. Gotta save the dough first. :D so im not extremely anxious.

so am I a steriotypical sex addict if i still own one? . (looks over his shoulder)

i remember when I went to Barcelona on vacation. It was pretty bad with all the pidgins. But Idk, what there doing i think is fine i guess. But if they start throwing bags of pidgins in a furnace to kill them. They went to far. .

They should have seen this coming around to bite them in the ass... "OHH WE CAN THROW A CHEAP CHEAP 480x360 LCD IN THIS AND GET AWAY WITH IT" ...Yea right...

How about replacing the Macbook air? thats what they should be lookin in to...

will it allow me to change back to windows by simply going to the "theme" menu and selecting windows 7? or do I have to uninstall it? Idk I don't mess with these unless I can go back pretty easy.

@ITIL_Prince: oops yea. that is very confusing. first 3 can me 1 2 3 or the ones from the 70s. . sawy...

Cant they just sell them in triplets? Ill buy the second half. fuck the first 3. :/

umm i think i heard of this before...its called house arrest?