
@phunnyballs: its russian roulette. Its happened to me a few times out of like 100. I downloaded GTA IV (I OWN IT LEGALLY NOW SO BACK OFF) the 2 ISOs were rared. and each one was 7 gigs. After urraring the first one winrar said that 2 segments are corrupt. Idk how it happened...Just did...redownloaded the 2 segments,

did you know that VLC can play rar movies? you just click on the first bit and open with VLC, works fine. But I know where your coming from. RARs are only useful when dealing with games and apps. If one part is corrupt, just redownload the one chunck. If you just downloaded an ISO the whole thing is fucked. For

Why??? This is so stupid. If I owned a tech company, I would sell hardware and my moto would be "you bought it, do whatever the fuck you want with it" I would be the linux of hardware. NO BULLSHIT. Warrenty would then have clear statements on how it will not cover bricking problems...which is totally fair.

@cadenlaguna: omfg that too. I've been kicking myself so much for getting a new phone to get a new phone...The fucking droid came out like a month later and my not tech savvy sister got it. I'm so jealous...I'm trying to see if i can do an early upgrade to the Droid 2 if thats even possible. Cuz besides my parents, i

oo i hope the keyboard does work in the original droid. That would be a pretty cool mod :P

hm that seems pretty good. :D voice commands on my shitty enV touch are horrible. i wish i could disable it. But its the center button and no matter what volume i have my phone set it will blare out "PLEASE SAY A COMMAND" when i was texting in class. piece of shit. its going to be the same cost as the ipad. which is what i have heard.

why would they charge 50$ more? Does this come with anything special over say...the droid 2? 4g maybe...but still. its ugly

what a fail.

no fuckin 1080p?? wtf r they thinking? ill keep my windows 7 HTPC thankyou. triple the power for half the cost and an open ecosystem.

googles take on facetime :)

not impressed at all. Windows 7 tablets are doomed to fail. Downscaling a netbook wont work.

i thought it was 17 moves...wierd

OR you can just fuck the ipad and wait for the notion ink :P i comes with both built in.

reminds me of (crap the movie with the green flubber dude that make everything extremely bouncy)

how can they release a phone in this time and age with 1.6? Even if it looks pretty. Just because I got a windows 7 skin for XP doesn't make it work with new applications.

hahahahahah thats great :P you can probably salvage the keyboard keys after some crazy cleaning, but the mouse...oof.