Somebody you dont Know

Thinly veiled transphobia? Yeah, nah. I don’t like Caitlyn Jenner and I could care less about this media circlejerk. Have we already forgotten how she recklessly killed someone with her car? How her legal team, right now, is arguing that step children shouldn’t be allowed to sue for their stepmother’s death because

I mentioned this to you earlier today, Natasha, but over the past year, I’ve found the public face of the movement to grow more and more divorced from what it seems society needs feminism to be doing. In one corner, we have pandering celebrities who have tapped into the lucrative Tumblr activist demographic by

I was raised by my dad and my grandparents didn’t encounter feminism until I was in college. So much of this, to me, is like being on the outside and looking in and then suddenly I am a part of it. Everywhere I go there is just a new rule, a new idea, a new “thing” that I may or may not be in compliance with or

What part of this current iteration of feminism do you most identify with? The policing? The intolerance to differing views? The clinging to victimhood? I see none of myself in it.

And how is that different than any other country in the world?

Yeah okay sure. A 35 year military career and he’s a fraud. So when Elizabeth Warren lied about being a native American on all her official documents, what does that make her? The fact that she’s never actually held a job, and yet lectures on how regular people should live makes her what, exactly?

Uhhh... he’s been in the National Guard since he was 19, and started off as a quartermaster. He deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. I’m pretty sure that over a 35 year career in the guard, he had to change a few tires.

It would have been unethical to not publish the leak. A reporters job is to report, not be a lap dog for the subject of their reports. If a reporters primary goal is to keep their subject happy, they should apply to join the marketing department.

Precisely! This is easy stuff these days!

Which is probably why Jalopnik was outside the loop and didn’t have that information in an advance press package, having to resort to republishing leaked internal documents.

To borrow from you analogy, does it matter if you perched your drink tray over the stereo and that the stereo in question was going to be destroyed by you in a month’s time anyway (putting non-professional drivers on a race track in a pre-production mule)?

Wait, what? He’s a journalist, how is reporting news unethical? The person who leaked it was unethical, because it was their job to NOT reveal embargoed information. Jalopnik was not given this information by an official source, and therefore never agreed to an embargo.

By your definition he wouldn’t be a journalist at all, he’d be a paid mouth-piece to regurgitate press releases for public consumption. And if that were the case, I wouldn’t even be visiting jalopnik or any other such websites at all.

He got punished for being a journo instead of the good little boy who drinks the

Agreed, but it was still dumb as hell for GM to do this.

On the contrary - by publishing it, he was technically being unethical. He may not have been the one to leak it, by publishing it, he was just as complicit in unethical behavior. It was GM’s document; GM’s data. As such, they have every single right to determine when, where, or even if it gets shared. By publishing

Was it because the tire pressure wasn't verified by a digital gauge, or because you just simply couldn't see the outside world from inside one of those things?

Does it not look like somebody photoshopped Jennifer Connelly’s head onto a dress?

Really? That just seems tasteless and out of place to me.

Floyd Mayweather is a lot of terrible things, and because of that, he will never get respect for being a master boxer. This post, whatever it is, is proof of that, as now we have people who clearly know very little about boxing are now determining what makes someone a coward in the ring. He fights