Anthony Duignan-Cabrera

Well, let's put it in context, these movies are not Fellini or Bergman, right? Captain America asked the simple question, "What makes a "good" man?" And built the story around that premise. Oddly, I rewatched Wonder Woman and left it the second time acutely aware that there's a layer of sadness throughout the movie

Oh stop it. Whiner.

Did we see the same movie, because I have no idea what you're talking about, re: Captain America. Frankenstein's wife?

I'm amazed by the large number of Brits commenting on this post. I love it, actually. You're as horrified by the pro-Brexit people as much was I'm horrified by Trump. It's like an insidious virus that attacks insecure white people, predominantly men, over 50.

As comic movies go, Wonder Woman is the best of the DCU, but still lacks the depth of the first MCU Captain America, the movie from the same Golden Age of comics from which both characters sprung. As the realization of a true female hero, it's hard to say. Yes, she gets mansplained to a lot, but she is ignorant to

A shit band. A shit president.