The Pool Man

Dicky isn't being dicky. He puts it best when he says, "I think they are plucking at crumbs to find gold here."

"I love David Lynch but this series is not well told."

Oh momma… it's ROTARY! oooooooummmm

A quarter of a million people are watching this MEH season. More people watch Pepsi ads.

What if I told you… this season is a serious disappoint across the board

Lynch onscreen and off considered her a delish dish. And wanted to make sure all the male viewers got a chance to drool at 'his' dish.

"I couldn't focus on what was actually going on long enough to care because — "

They first shot shows her standing. However — she's in a black dress and it's hard to see below her waist. She's already there vs. walking in. There's a possibility that a side of her body was lost and is now replaced with appliances.

Agreed. What made this work best was that it was probably the shortest scene of this season. We didn't need to see the same gag 5 different ways. It was wonderfully succinct.

The best jokes are funny jokes. Like the boy throwing the ball AT Dougie. Get in, MAKE US LAUGH, get out. That was the best edited scene of the series so far.

I've found many of the A.V. reviewers to be insightful and almost always spot on. The reviewer of this season, in my opinion, isn't up to this job. IMO Emily has been struggling with her obvious fandom vs. this mediocre season of TPs.

Agreed. This was a generous B- compared to the last two episodes. So much time spent regarding offscreen people we don't know or care about. And that turnip joke was sad.

At least he didn't start sweeping for 7 minutes. Or tell a 'turnip' joke a 10 year old would roll his eyes at.

If ELS believes this episode was a B then there's no way to avoid the fact that episode 12 was either a C+ or B- at best on her scale. It was a turnip.

The original series had some craziness in it. The Black Lodge, Leland's hair turning white, creamed corn — it was this neverending series of weirdness. Delightful weirdness. With only the occasional scary sex and violence. Only making it weirder.

Yeeeees. Just yes

Guy goes mad with rage because the love of his life… and his only hope… is murdered by her psychotic son. Absolutely —

You're not smart enough to come from a box of crayons

I'm suggesting Lynch showed the first episodes to friends/colleagues/Showtime before release.

From my POV I see two posts by blocked users. I read in another browser to see which two and saw it the same one fool making two ridiculous claims —