The Pool Man

I expect nothing. Which you're delivering in dumpsters.

I'm still baffled how you manage to get both your head and that log up your butt.

Why do I keep watching? Because it's so brilliant and Lynchian!

I'm okay with a minority opinion. And there are those that agree with it. Enjoy Harry Potter, by the by.

This isn't an 18 hour movie. It's called 'Season 3'. There are episode numbers. This talking point really has to die. It's no excuse for someone sweeping. What's next — paint drying?

You're a hydrant by a dog park.

Be prepared to be told you shouldn't be posting and your opinion is worthless.

No. Actually you're whining. "I have to listen to contrary opinions. Ouch."

Unable to reject my reasoning you have no choice but to whine.

Pretending there is a direct connection between a director's vision and actual execution is myopic idolatry. And infantile.

I'm sorry my adult commentary revealed your childish reasoning.

Aw. Pooch Bait can't count.

This doesn't TOUCH the original. You'd have to be touched in the head to believe otherwise.

Hate? Of what? Fanboy goosebumps over sloppy continuity?

Is this a fan circlejerk fest or an area of criticism and discussion? Unable to refute my reasoning you simply downvote. Which means I'm likely right.

I'm sorry but too many fans of this new show are simply pointing out every last possible moment as 'genius' instead of looking at the big picture and recognizing this season isn't stellar. Just because our favorite show is back doesn't mean our favorite show is actually back.

The sweeping! OMG! So brilliant! So Lynchian. So Lynchian and brilliant too! Holy smokes I'm happy I'm such a fan of this show. Watching Dougie stare into space and simply repeat the last words of previous dialog?!? How DO they come up with this brilliant stuff?!? Especially the sweeeeping!

Those hours in front of the mirror have caused you great frustration.

I'm not against a director being damn decent, you know? As in when I criticize Nolan in this way I'm not really criticizing him so much. He's not a hack and he has some visionary moments. He could become someone exceptional.

" But apparently it is sacrilege in these parts to suggest Season 3 has gotten sub-par."