Ant J

It does, when we have Ballistic Missile subs sitting off their coast right now. All of their armed forces are sorely limited in technology and numbers. Buying old Cold War equipment from Russia will hinder there goals. We have missiles that can wipe out China too, we also have missile defense systems that are not

Other than Russia (which would be a net loss for both countries in war), what other country has both Nuclear Weapons and a modern Military? I will also add enough people and equipment to wage war of that type? Modern Military doesn't mean anything without resources and support, other than the U.S. and Russia, there

See, what you don't understand is they can't get any worse under Trump.

Dynacorn says otherwise

What’s worse especially in my career field Aircraft Maintenance a woman being pregnant is looked down upon, because the physical nature and our close proximity to chemicals that can do bad things to you. A lot of times pregnancy is a career death sentence in the military.

It is sad to say, but for the most part the Military health system is designed to get you back in the fight and to do it at the cheapest possible price.

Having being stationed in Spain for 4 years, and my son playing for the local Club team in our nearest village, I can attest to the fact they are teaching slide tackles at the age of 8. Then again Europe doesn’t really try to shelter there kids like in the U.S.

If you read the reg, all Medical procedures civilian or otherwise have to approved my the Military Medical POC and the Commander. The reg leaves a lot up to interpretation, and from experience if the whole procedure is projected to extend past Manning's parole date, there is basis there to deny. The DoD has no

Yeah, but in my part of America all of the bro trucks are Diesel, so they all sound like vacuums and jet engines anyway.

F10 owner here who lurks around bimmer forums, Bimmer Exhaust are crazy price wise, axle backs start at $500. Also new Bimmer owners and leasers tend not to do there own maintenance, changing oil is out of the norm, unless the dealers doing it.

USAF for 21 year, we were briefed on it roughly two months ago. It was an internal brief sorry no links for you, something civilians will have no eyes on. Everything I said is correct. In the eyes of the military HE is how HE was born. I don’t care either way, as long as he/she can do the job it doesn’t matter to me,

As a former owner of a 93 Sentra SE-R, and a 96 200sx SE-R, this gives me sad. On a side note , is Jim Wolf tuning even a thing anymore?

There are different rules for those who are in the military and decide to transition to those who already have transitioned and decide to join the military. For the ones who are already in, certain criteria must be met. including but not limited to a official diagnosis by a military doctor and the required

How do you know he was intimidating any of his players? Apparently you think this coach forced the men to pray, if you’re steadfast in believes then don’t participate. A Chaplain is an Officer, he does influence decisions on most installations, he commands troops, if he was the last officer standing he would be in

Probably because a Chaplain doesn’t influence any decisions as far as the military goes. The separation of Church and State ensures laws created by the state are not religious in nature. A chaplain is there for religious support, counseling...etc...etc. No one forces anyone in the military to participate. There

See Military Chaplains, they are paid to be religious and troops downrange have no problems with it, they just don't engage if they don't agree. Not everyone needs a PC safe zone to function daily.

Haha, You do know there are Chaplains in the military? Also we have a chaplain lead prayer before ceremonies, and certain formations. No one is forcing anyone to pray, if you don't want to then don't.

I didn't see this question posted by anyone so I will ask, Does the revenue include championship and bowl payouts?

Because Ohio.

Why the hate?