Anthony C

To be honest, Posh was easily the weakest link of the group vocally, so if we can only get four members to reunite, she's the most expendable.

Wait, you need to hang out with friends for this? Dammit, if I had a nickel for every friendship of mine over the past 20 years that ended with them telling me, "You need to get over this Crystal Pepsi obsession" and me shouting back, "I don't need you! All I need is a can of Crystal Pepsi!" and then pushing them down

Not confused by the math itself so much as much as the author's vehement opposition to the math: "No, she wouldn’t be 40. Don’t age her before her time; this isn’t
Clarissa in crisis. She would be early 30s, no matter how you look at

Step By Step wins by virtue of introducing me to my first crush ever, Christine Lakin. I would have held her hand SO HARD

I feel like everyone's being a little too hard on the deep cuts. I'm not saying any of them are earth-shattering, but "Hey You" is a lot better than it's getting credit for, and "End it On This" is spectacular. Plus, while I agree that "The Climb" is overlong and dull, there's a live b-side version that is absolutely

This is gonna be a huge time-saver for me, being able to just click "Dislike" any time my ex posts a pic with her new boyfriend, rather than going through the whole process of commenting, "YOU MADE A HUGE MISTAKE AMANDA TAKE ME BACK PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE," her unfriending me, me creating a fake profile and hiring

I'm afraid I have to take the blame for this one. Back when Trump got called out for using "Rockin' in the Free World," I commented somewhere that "It's the End of the World As We Know It" would have been more appropriate. Clearly Donald saw this and missed the sarcasm. My bad, Bill, Michael, Mike, and Peter. Now

I know some people didn't like the two revival seasons in the late 90s but I would so be up for more episodes of Are You Afraid of the Dark? I miss Sardo and Dr. Vink, all those kids with Canadian accents, and the cute blonde girls in the Midnight Society who grew up to have successful acting careers (Rachel

I'm with Sam; if anything, the menu turnover needs to be even MORE strict. Like, Chicken McNuggets go on sale at noon, large fries won't be available until 6 PM, and you can only buy a McFlurry between 9:17 AM and 1:22 PM.

Marry me, Gwen. I can watch the "Stonehenge" scene 20 times in a row and at no point does it lose an iota of its appeal.

You mean to say that Ashley Tisdale was not the pinnacle of comedic genius?

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Jost still falls flat a lot of the time, but "Wednesday was National Hug Day……Dad" was played perfectly. The problem is on the rare instances where he shows personality, he immediately cuts back into "serious straightforward anchor" mode and you just want to shake him up ala Phil

Proud to be the 27th upvote for this.

The Sundays - "Here's Where the Story Ends"

If by correctly played idols, you mean situations where a player used the idol when they received the most votes (or gave the idol to someone else who did), that also applies to China*, Gabon*, Tocantins*, Nicaragua*, Redemption Island, South Pacific, One World, and Blood vs. Water.

The first draft of the text message was "Tell Chad Channing to staaaaaaaaaay stay away!"

IIRC with the Peppers, they went with the original lineup, the current lineup, and anyone who played on more than one album.

I'm kind of surprised at the indifference to this episode—yeah, the outcome was what I expected, but I think they made it suspenseful without insulting the audience's intelligence. Plus, there was plenty of drama earlier, especially with the "Will they brawn tribe throw the challenge?" question. (What's the bigger

It was smart in Africa too—Ethan came up with the idea to get rid of Silas after the first tribe swap, eliminating a strong physical/strategic threat and ensuring that his former tribe would have the majority on his new tribe. It's the only instance I can think of where the producers didn't destroy someone for

Well, I think part of it is that the spring seasons always tend to get lower ratings in recent years. I don't think the perceived quality or use of returnees/gimmicks is a factor except in cases like full All-Stars/Heroes vs. Villains seasons. Otherwise, the viewer erosion is pretty consistent every year. I sort of