
It boggles the mind to see people defend this as a business tactic. It’s a terrible business decision, completely drags valuable ip’s through the mud. Anyone who would make this decision is looking for fast money, not long money.

Also a conservative republican, but you don’t focus on that because why?

The voice and content of this article reads very mid-20s self-assured. The whole piece is a conversation the author is having with himself about how he is right about his one idea of brands and how that’s the right idea yeah it is.

Jezebel: classify yourself correctly or we call you out.

Found the non-American.

Women attacking women on Jezebel. Yet another day which ends with “y”.

This article starts with you word-shitting about how proud you are of having bad taste, then pivots to self-congratuation in celebrating your bad taste.

Of course, she’s not the “best athlete on the planet” since tennis is a gendered sport, and women’s tennis is less physical than men’s tennis.

Fuck off with whining about spoilers.

So it seems like the next logical question would be if Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars (phew) is based in the same universe/timeline, and if so, comb that for clues.


Finally, someone brave enough to support a government banning artists for their art. Just what the world needs.

As a white guy at 30 who read your entire post, I think you possess a large sense of anger and are directing it at this artist because he’s an easy target.

Forgiven for what? Making music as a teenager? He’s supposed apologize to who? You?

His old works made him famous, and now he needs to apologize to people he’s never met and who have never listened to his music for having made the music that made him famous.

And the writers of this feminist blog have supported and celebrated that decision.

It’s a more a form of internet journalism than a school of progressive thought. It’s moral law enforced in the courtroom of rising expectations. There are only varying levels of guilt doled out.

This issue and those like it fill in the small gap that seperates the radical right and the radical left. Selective censorship of art they don’t understand, don’t want to understand, and don’t really care about the precident it sets in how it’s removed.

No. It’s not about the video game industry being exclusionary toward women. It’s about a small group of women who find themselves victimized at every end of culture and instead of trying to participate or endeavor toward an art of their own whine and intellectualize until they get a pat on the head from a news outlet

Honestly, this comment hurt my feelings.